Sweden Says No To The Jab For Kids, Recommends Against COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Aged 5-12
Sweden has decided against recommending COVID-19 vaccines for kids aged 5-11, the Health Agency said on Thursday (Jan. 27), arguing that the benefits did not outweigh the risks. “With the

Trudeau hides as a trucking convoy approaches Ottawa, the capital of the country
Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau “isolates himself” for 5 days after learning of COVID exposure as a trucking convoy approaches Ottawa, the capital of the country. From Ottawa Public Health: “You

Chemist on vaccine: “Where does the shade of gray come from?”
Four renowned chemistry professors sent a letter full of questions to BioNTech founder Uğur Şahin. The questions relate to coloring, lipid nanoparticles, and “components not approved for human medicine.” 27

Corbett Report: The Great Reset & The Fourth Industrial Revolution
COVID-19: The Great Reset & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Corbettreport.com/greatreset“New World Next Week” with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato. This week on the New World Next Week: the Davos

Are We at the End of the Pandemic?
Story at-a-glance Many health officials and world leaders are finally acknowledging that the COVID shots cannot end the pandemic and that we must learn to live with the virus. Some

Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots
Board-certified funeral director and embalmer, Richard Hirschman has made a startling discovery in the bodies of deceased people, he revealed that he is seeing arteries and veins filled with unnatural

Vax Victims Overflow Morgues: Bodies Fill Morgues, Overflow Into Refrigerated Trailers – whistleblower
Corrine Lund is a registered nurse who has been one of our top whistleblowers regarding events unfolding in our hospitals. Back in September she told us how hospitals were vaccinating

Prof. Werner Bergholz: Dangerous Chemicals and Nanotubes Found In Covid Test Swabs
Parents, please read so you are armed with additional information to enable you to protect your children. Ethylene oxide is highly toxic – it causes cancer, it damages DNA –

Covid-19 Vaccines are projected to cause 62.3 Million Cardiovascular Deaths in 2022 Worldwide
An investigation of currents trends has revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines are projected to cause over 62.3 million cardiovascular deaths worldwide in 2022, after already causing cardiovascular deaths among professional
Alaska and Texas Sue Department of Defense Over National Guard COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced on Thursday (Jan. 27) that he has joined Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s lawsuit seeking to block the U.S. Department of Defense from mandating COVID-19 vaccines

European Commission President Ordered to Hand Over Secret Texts Sent to Pfizer CEO About Purchasing COVID-19 Vaccines
An investigation by an official EU watchdog into secret text messages sent by European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, to Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, has found the EU’s executive

Watch Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic Bashing Macron and European Commission President over Vaccine Mandates that Murdering People
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Tells French President Emmanuel Macron That He Is MURDERING His Citizens With Mandatory Vaccinations “Tens of thousands of citizens have died due to vaccine side-effects. Mandatory vaccinations

World Council for Health Statement on the Arrest of Iris Koh
The World Council for Health is becoming increasingly concerned for the welfare of Healing the Divide founder Iris Koh. Iris was scheduled to present an update on Singapore during the

German compulsory vaccinations debate: Watch amazing speech from Alice Weidel against fabricated lies
Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa
A Canadian premier said Saturday the proof of vaccine requirement makes no sense and he will end it in the “not-too-distant future” in his province. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said
Virginia Attorney General Block Colleges From Requiring Students Get COVID-19 Vaccination
The attorney general of Virginia has declared that public universities in the state cannot prevent students from attending if they fail to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. In a statement released
China: New Coronavirus Strain Discovered – Poses “Potential Bio-Safety Threat”
Researchers in China (RT) – many reportedly from Wuhan University – have warned a new strain of coronavirus they discovered could pose a “potential bio-safety threat” that could evade antibodies

Myocarditis rate 50 to 100 times higher after the second shot: Alex Berenson & Tucker Carlson on highly vaccinated countries & Israel (Video)
mRNA vaccines need to be taken off the market, says Alex Berenson on Fox News. In highly vaccinated and vaccinated countries, infection rates are incredibly high, and severe illness and

1930’s cartoon reveals 100 year plan about how to take over world, Great Reset, Coronavirus (Short Video)
Predictive Programming In neuroscience, predictive coding (also known as predictive processing) is a theory of brain function in which the brain is constantly generating and updating a mental model of the

Graphene for radio frequency electronics ( 2012) Study
In the past several decades, we have witnessed dramatic advancesin electronics that have found widespread application in computing,communications, automation, and other areas to affect just aboutevery aspect of our lives.

Over 60,000 Studies and Applications on Graphene-Based Nanomaterials Forms National Library of Medicine
Here is the some of the Graphene-Based Nanomaterial Studies from the long list of Studies which you could search for it by typing keywords such as Graphene, nanoparticles and etc.

Hundreds of Purchasable Studies: Graphene is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and has interesting light absorption abilities
Graphene is a nearly transparent material that has the highest room temperature electrical conductivity of any known substance. Graphene’s atoms are arranged in a hexagonal arrangement. Although it is a
UK MPs Launch Investigation Into “Grossly Unethical” Tactics Used by Government to “Scare Public” Into COVID-19 “Compliance”
The Government’s “grossly unethical” uses of its “nudge unit” inflated fear among the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, psychologists have said—prompting MPs to launch an investigation. A group of psychologists

Official Data shows Children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 Vaccination than Unvaccinated Children & the ONS is trying to hide it
The Office for National Statistics has revealed without realising it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had

Lukashenko: They create Panic and vaccines become an element of the big politics (Video)
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko: “Coronavirus Is a Controlled Process Now. They Ordered Everyone to Stay Home, Gave You Gadgets, Replaced Reality with Metaverse, And Push Pills on You!” “You

Canada [Jan 29] Watch Freedom Convoy Live – Tens of Thousands Roll Into Ottawa for Protest Against Canada’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
By Jessica Rose I am stoked beyond stoked. While trudeau is hiding with his negative ‘PCR test’ COVID in his cottage, far away from his people who are demanding revocation

Reiner Fuellmich, announces the international proceeding is due to start as soon as next week
Reiner Fuellmich: Brussels Update & Covid Crimes Grand Jury Proceeding Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. Dr. Fuellmich has published many articles
The Toxic Covid Treatment Drug Remdesivir is a “proof of concept” to KILL ( 5 min Video)
The public are tired of being…TAKEN FOR FOOLS The toxic drug Remdesivir is a“proof of concept” to KILL: Odysee video 5 minutes (https://odysee.com/@FreedomTirade:f/taken-for-fools:4) Contrasting the hubris of Fauci on his

Trudeau and His Family Hide at “Secret Location” as Canadian Trucker Ultimatum Protests Begin
Tens of thousands of people rolled into Canada’s capital Ottawa on Saturday (Jan. 29) for a massive protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates in front of parliament

On the latest episode of Del Bigtree’s “The HighWire,” Dafna Tachover, attorney and founder of We Are The Evidence, explained how 5G technology could have catastrophic impacts on airplane safety

Nanotechnology found in the Pfizer vaccine as Dr. Matt Shelton shares New Zealand parliamentary report findings (Video)
“European journal of epidemiology has just proved that vaccination rates are unrelated to COVID case numbers.”

Wi-Fi Refugees, Electrosensitive people try to escape wireless technology (RT Documentary)
Although these people are sick, their illness is difficult to diagnose, and it’s even harder to convince others that it actually exists. Their symptoms include cluster headaches, nausea, chronic fatigue,
T-Mobile To Fire All Unvaccinated Corporate Staff By April
President Biden’s vaccine mandates have been successfully challenged in the courts, but that isn’t stopping some companies from cracking down on “anti-vax” employees, even deciding that they will move ahead

WHAT?! The Great Reset Is NOT a Conspiracy! by Russell Brand
There’s a new corporate wave of homebuyers in the U.S. real estate market, with buyers stemming from Wall St making ownership for the average family increasingly difficult and forcing them

Belgium, Austria, Czech Republic, South Korea, Argentina, Peru, France, Spain, Australia, Germany [Jan 30] Rising Up Against Jab Mandates
Austria Australia Czech Republic South Korea BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA LIMA, PERU PFIZER BUILDING GETS SURROUNDED IN PARIS Spain – Palma de Mallorca Netherlands Every night all across Germany

Canada [Jan 30] Watch Trucker Convoy Creates Worldwide Ripple Effect as Tens of Thousands of Protesters Staying Until Trudeau is Removed
Dutch, Belgian and German Truckers have announced that they will head towards Brussels Netherlands Truckers joined by motorists formed a rehearsal convoy in Friesland, Netherlands yesterday. Several European countries will
Joe Rogan Responds to Spotify Controversy as Spotify loses $2 billion in Joe Rogan Controversy
Joe Rogan Responds to Spotify Controversy Joe Rogan has addressed calls to remove his podcast from Spotify, saying that he never aims to misinform the public, but only wants to
Canada’s Justin Trudeau Tests Positive for SARS-CoV-2 Four Weeks After Receiving COVID-19 Booster Shot
Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced on Monday (Jan. 31) that he has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. The infection comes less than four weeks after Trudeau received a COVID-19 booster

BREAKING: England Drops COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers
Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for National Health Service (NHS) workforce and health care workers has been dropped, the Health Secretary Sajid Javid confirmed. The rule was set to be imposed in
Announcement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding, Crimes Against Humanity
First date: Feb. 05, 2022 “In serious criminal cases in the U.S., a so-called grand jury is presented with the evidence at hand to convince them that this evidence is
Australian Media Places Blame for the Pandemic on Fauci as 170K booster appointments were filled out of 270K appointments (Videos)
People are waking up! Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says 100,000 booster appointments were not filled in New South Wales last week. “There were 270,000 booster appointments in state

Gotham City: Watch NYC show off its police force following harsh covid restrictions and mandates
Let’s Not forget all officers paid to be there while NYPD sits on 5.5 Billion dollar budget Security concerns ahead of funeral for slain NYPD Officer Wilbert Mora NEW YORK

COVID-19 Lockdowns Did Not Save Lives, Concludes Meta-Analysis Paper With Johns Hopkins’ Studies
COVID-19 pandemic measures were a milestone in how modern Western societies restricted freedoms in the face of a new pathogen. It’s fair to say that we panicked in those fateful

Justine Trudeaus’s half-brother on vaccines, the WEF, the Great Reset and how his brother is part of a globalist agenda
Full Interview: Kyle Kemper — son of Fried Kemper and Margaret Trudeau and half-brother to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — describes himself as a visionary strategist, technologist, artist, and family

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now! Written by Ron Paul
We all remember where we were when the Berlin Wall came down. While it may have seemed that communist rule would go on forever, when the people decided that they

Doctor Detects MAC Addresses in COVID Vaccinated Individuals With Bluetooth Applications
Dr Luis Miguel De Benito, a digestive physician with a PhD in molecular biology, has recorded an excerpt of an experiment he conducted which has found what would appear to

In 1994 160 Nations Agreed to Reduce the World Population to 800 Million by 2030 (Short Video)

Covid-19 Deaths are rising sharply in Australia and official data shows the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 of them
Australia is currently experiencing a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths, but according to official New South Wales Government data, it isn’t the unvaccinated population who are to

18 Lies about Covid-19 & the Covid-19 Vaccines; and 18 Truths they are designed to cover up
18 Lies about mRNA Vaccines and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy mRNA vaccines are just a more high tech version of your regular flu shot vaccine. mRNA vaccines

Why Won’t Educators and Politicians Investigate the Dangers of Ethylene Oxide on Covid Test Swabs?
“I’m a concerned parent, and for the last two years, like most mums and dads, I’ve been more worried than ever.” This is how one person’s story begins who has
Pfizer to Request “Emergency Use Authorization” of a Two-Dose COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months Old
COVID-19 vaccines for children younger than 5 could be available far sooner than expected—perhaps by the end of February—under a plan that would lead to the potential authorization of a
German Health Minister says Tyrannical Covid-19 Restrictions for Unvaccinated were based on “Software Error”
After terrorising the unvaccinated for months, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is backing off and blaming his earlier statements of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” on a “software error.” In

Truckers convoy has now blockaded the US-Canada border crossing in Alberta [Jan 30-31](Videos)
Canadian Official “Expects Police to Take Appropriate Action” as Trucker Convoy Blocks U.S.-Canada Border Crossing Over 100 truckers have blocked the Canadian border between Alberta and Montana for a third

Klaus Schwab says by 2026 all of humanity will have an implanted microchip/tracking device (Short Video)
It’s important to understand their plans. They don’t actually hide them. This is all part of Agenda 2030 aka The Great Reset, aka the 4th Industrial Revolution (or as evil

Finland to join England, Ireland and Denmark by ending all covid restrictions in February, Finnish PM said Monday
Sanna Marin, Finland’s Prime Minister, stated on Monday that the country is working to lift all COVID-19-related restrictions in February. Marin’s announcement came just two days after Finland entered its
Pfizer, FDA Ask Court to Further Delay Release of COVID Vaccine Safety Data
Days prior to today’s scheduled release of documents related to the Pfizer COVID vaccine, the pharmaceutical company asked a federal court to let it intervene before any information is released.