Australia is currently experiencing a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths, but according to official New South Wales Government data, it isn’t the unvaccinated population who are to blame.
Instead Australia is very much experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated, with 9 in every 10 cases, and hospitaliations, and 8 in every 10 deaths between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22 recorded as being among the triple/double vaccinated population.
The Expose – According to official data, New South Wales (NSW) Australia has seen confirmed Covid-19 cases increase ten-fold since the middle of December 2021, breaking records for the number of confirmed cases in the region since Covid-19 first struck in March 2020.
On the 14th Dec 21, NSW recorded 1,347 cases in a single day. But fast forward one month and we can see that the state recorded 48,133 cases in a single day on the 14th Jan 22.
The same can be said in terms of Covid-19 deaths. Since the new year deaths have skyrocketed to the highest levels seen throughout the entire pandemic.
On the 29th Dec 21, NSW recorded just a single Covid-19 death, but fast forward to the 17th Jan 22 and we find that the state of NSW recorded 36 Covid-19 deaths in a single day, the highest number recorded to date.
But it isn’t the unvaccinated population who are accounting for the record breaking number of Covid-19 cases and deaths, it’s the fully vaccinated.
The NSW Government publish a weekly Covid-19 Weekly Surveillance Report, the most recent of which was published on 13th Jan 22, containing data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status up to January 1st 2022.
Page 8 of the report (found here), shows us the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status, and it reveals that since Omicron was allegedly discovered, there have been a total of 273,511 confirmed cases among all those eligible for vaccination (age 12+) in NSW, Australia.
And a shocking 267,381 of those cases have been recorded as being among the vaccinated population,
A further 2,578 cases were confirmed among the partly vaccinated, but just 3,552 cases were confirmed among the not-vaccinated population. This means that between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22, the vaccinated population accounted for 99% of Covid-19 cases in NSW, Australia.
Page 8 of the report (found here), also shows us the number of Covid-19 hospitalisations by vaccination status, and again we find that the vast majority have been among the vaccinated population.
According to the report between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22 there have been 3,022 Covid-19 hospitalisations in NSW, Australia.
Of these the triple/double vaccinated accounted for a frightening 2,627, the partly vaccinated accounted for 80, and the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 315.
This means the vaccinated population accounted for 90% of Covid-19 hospitalisations since Omicron struck.
Unlike in the UK, where celebrities and politicians have been able to make false claims about the vaccination status of the majority of Covid-19 patients in ICU because of the lack of data, the NSW Government kindly inform the public of the number of Covid-19 patients in ICU and their vaccination status.
Page 8 of the report (found here), shows us that between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22, there were 282 patients eligible for vaccination who were in ICU with Covid-19, and yet again the vast majority were triple/double vaccinated.
The fully vaccinated made up 215of those ICU patients, whilst the partly vaccinated accounted for 12, and the not-vaccinated for just 55.
This means that between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22, the vaccination population made up 81% of all Covid-19 patients in ICU.
Finally we come to Covid-19 deaths. Page 8 of the report (found here), reveals the number of Covid-19 deaths between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22 by vaccination status, and in all there were a total of just 91 deaths.
However, we know from other available data that the state fo NSW, Australia is now nearly recording more deaths in a single day as of 28th Jan 22 than it did in the entire period between 26th Nov and 8th Jan.
Yet again, according to the NSW Government report, the fully vaccinated accounted for the majority of deaths recording a total of 67, with a further 3 deaths being recorded among the partly vaccinated population, and just 21 deaths were recorded among the not-vaccinated population.
This means that between 26th Nov 21 and 8th Jan 22, the vaccinated population accounted for 77% of all Covid-19 deaths.
Vaccination was billed as the solution to “a pandemic that never was”, in Australia. Now it looks like that pandemic is just beginning, and it is very much a pandemic of the fully vaccinated.
I doubt think you really would want to hear what I have to say………..but here goes!!! Can’t people put two and two together and realise these vaccines have been an absolute disaster. Each time there is a push for another round of vaccinations, up go the numbers with Covid cases. Just can’t believe others aren’t viewing it this way as well. The entire vaccine push has been a mistake, had they permitted people to allow their own immune systems to work, we would never be in this catastrophic mess the world finds itself in now. On top of this I hear there is to be fourth booster. When will enough be enough. Heaven Help Us!!
Not accidental Sue. All planned. The global elite want to exterminate 85% of the population. Have you searched WEF, Klaus Shwab and The Great Reset, Rockefeller Foundations Operation Lockstep, Bill Gates in West Africa, Michael Yeadons Steps to Tyranny. This is no longer conspiracy theory it’s now conspiracy fact. They don’t hide their agenda Sue you just have to look.
Thank you Toni, appreciate this information. And yes I have looked at several of these in the pased. What upsets me the most is how can this morons justify what they have done to the world population. It breaks my heart to think there is such evil. Again thank you. Stay well.
As predicted by Master Virologist and Vaccine maker Geert Vandan Bossche 12 months ago in an open letter to the UN–If you mass vaccinate during a Pandemic with non neautralising drugs you will create Variants and drive the surge in Cases Infections Hospitalisations and Deaths -viral shedding is not conspiracy theory-“double vaccinated are Petri dishes for variants and super viruses” and last but not least a message for every parent “Do Not under any circumstances Vaccinate your Children” and one from Michael Yeadon ex CEO of Pfizer ” Premeditated Mass murder with lethal injection’
I have been following Geert the whole time and have stuck with it. If they dont listen to people like this then you know that something is wrong. I only hope soon it will all come to an end and the people responsible will go down for it. Look after yourselves people as the Govt wont they dont care one bit about your health.
I think anyone still capable of independent, fear free thought, has long since come to the conclusion that the ‘vaccines’ are driving the outbreaks. via ‘shedding’, ‘breakthrough’, or bodily spike protein or virus manufacturing, at the same time, being immunocompromised by the ‘vaccine’ itself.
I’m only a layperson, but it’s not rocket science and an easy and logical conclusion to arrive at.
Whilst the un-vaccinated may not be immune to the bug, their immune systems are left unchallenged by this foreign substance, and therefore fare better.
I question outside interests as the huge number of deaths, adverse reactions and coercion surrounding uptake, coupled with the removal of viable, affordable and effective medications, suggest an alternate agenda.
These injections should have been ceased a long time since, based on the above.
Yes indeed, it’s all planned! The problem is most ppl simply believe the media news etc. They are so brainwashed washed by the media that they can no longer put 2&2 together with this plandemic.
They are not willing to speak up against the illegal narrative of having to wear masks & not to be vaxed. They are afraid to lose their jobs or carry on their ordinary day to day business.
Yet the vaxed ppl who do get covid & can’t work are not being paid time off work & putting their own life & others at risk simply by following the cattle to the slaughter yard.
I myself refuse it all!
I’ve also shown many friends articles & various videos from doctors who speak out against the Vax.
Still, those friends get their vaxes because they don’t want to risk getting sick. Which they probably wouldn’t have anyway because they were relatively healthy ppl to start with. A few of those friends now have the covid & are miserably sick. It’s almost laughable.
I feel so sorry for ppl today who can’t critically think for themselves & who also refuse to look at the information which is kept quiet about all the adverse affects & deaths from this so called Vax. A Vax they were promised to not get covid but are getting.
Unfortunately, I personally think there is now not much hope at all.
The elites have planned their genocide perfectly & it’s all gone perfectly so far according to their plans, step by step over the last 10 yrs & hundreds more.
The masses are now fully indoctrinated by the few elite pulling the strings, who get richer by the second whilst they themselves lose everything including the most precious thing one can have, their own life or that of their loved ones.
Some of us have been well aware of these stats in other countries. It’s been an obvious show for quite some time,so it was bound to be the same in Australia! The government has to know but to further their obvious agenda,they are choosing to ignore the facts and just hope the people will not look too deeply into it.. A sad state of affairs…
267000 cases – 65 deaths
3500 cases – 21 deaths
Can people not do maths? this proves vaccines work.
lol, I suppose you mean “according to the 3rd definition of what is a working vaccine, and the new definition of a vaccine by the CDC (or WHO I don’t remember) this shows they work.”
The thing is bending the meaning of words to fit the non-complying reality is a bastards’ trick.
First, this is NOT a vaccine. This is an experimental gene therapy.
Second, a working vaccine prevents infection, development of symptoms and transmission.
These injections do neither and worse, they increase the risk of infection and thus transmission as it has been proven that jabbed and unjabbed spread the same.
So the jabbed are spreading twice as much as unjabbed.
Third: if you adopt a myopic view of the death toll, you don’t see the big picture which is that on the short term the jabs may have a positive impact on lethality, but they also trigger severe and deadly adverse reactions that you should take into account in your tally AND YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA OF THE LONG TERM IMPACTS!
Agree Tom. No One gets how the numbers work, they just twist it to suit their agenda!
Of course the vaxxed deaths will be higher, there are way more of them and all the vulnerable are in the vaxxed group.