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Military Takes UFOs Seriously at Congressional Hearing: “We Want to Know What’s Out There”

While the first congressional hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years didn’t reveal the existence of extraterrestrial life, it did affirm that the U.S. military is taking sightings of unknown craft seriously as a national security threat.

A House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee hearing convened Tuesday (May 17) morning with a 90-minute public session that was followed by closed-door testimony later in the day.

“Unidentified aerial phenomena [UAPs] are a potential national security threat, and they need to be treated that way,” Rep. André Carson, D-Ind., said at the beginning of the hearing, referring to the preferred technical term for unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

“For too long, the stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis,” he added. “Pilots avoided reporting or were laughed at when they did. DOD officials relegated the issues to the backroom or swept it under the rug entirely, fearful of a skeptical national security community.

“Today we know better,” Carson continued. “UAPs are unexplained, it’s true, but they are real. They need to be investigated, and any threats they pose need to be mitigated.”

The military has had at least 11 “near misses” with unidentified flying objects, reported Scott Bray, the deputy director of naval intelligence, when asked by Illinois Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi if there have been any “collisions” between a U.S. asset and an unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Pentagon to Reveal “Truth” About UFO Files in Rare Senate Hearing Today

Congress is due to hold its first hearing on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in decades on Tuesday (May 17)—a sign that defense officials are taking the phenomenon seriously.

While many reports of UFOs—or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) as the government now refers to them—might be easily dismissed, the issue has clearly become too big to ignore for U.S. defense officials who say reports should be taken seriously for matters of national security.

In 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a nine-page report on UFOs that investigated 144 reports from U.S. government sources between 2004 and 2021, including 80 involving observation with multiple sensors and 11 reports of “near misses” between pilots and UFOS.

The report didn’t reveal anything about what UFOs actually were, except that some of them displayed what were described as “unusual” flight characteristics including moving quickly “without discernible means of propulsion.”

Tomorrow, the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation will hold a hearing on UFOs starting at 9 a.m. in Washington, D.C.

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