Parents, please read so you are armed with additional information to enable you to protect your children.
Ethylene oxide is highly toxic – it causes cancer, it damages DNA – and it is found on the Covid test swabs. Although Governments, public health officials and educators are responsible for investigating, raising public awareness and stopping the use of these tests on children, until that happens, society has a responsibility to protect the vulnerable.
In the text below we highlight the work of Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz who has researched the test sticks or swabs used by the population for Covid tests.
Prof. Bergholz is a former professor of electrical engineering with a focus on quality and risk management at the Jakobs University in Bremen. Before his appointment, Prof. Bergholz worked for 17 years in chip production management at Siemens.
In the short video below, he explained results from examining test swabs in the laboratory and the ethylene oxide (EO”) that was found.
If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it HERE.
During Session 86 of the Corona Investigative Committee, Prof. Bergholz began by discussing ‘What Determines a “Limit to Growth”?’, a class Cynthia Chung gave for the symposium “The Earth Next 100 Years”. He focused on “nuclear power as an unlimited CO2-free resource” warning of the dangers and limitations of atomic energy compared to other forms of renewable energy. He also recommended some decentralised, or off grid, energy solutions.
At timestamp 31:25 he discussed the falsification of documents in the 30 December 2021 weekly Covid report from the Robert Koch Institut (“RKI”).
Beginning at 39:52 mins Prof. Bergholz discussed the EO scandal. It is at this point that the link to the video below joins the session.
“By accident I stumbled on these [swab] sticks that says EO on them. I looked into this and I found ethylene oxide which is anything else but a harmless gas,” Prof. Bergholz said, “if they are gassed, then it is sure that residues of ethylene oxide are on the test sample sticks and the swabs.”
Prof. Bergholz documented his research: ‘Risk analysis Implementation of rapid Covid-19 tests and through PCR tests’. The document is in German but we have translated it, using Google translate, and attached a copy of the English translation below.
His document begins: “The rapid antigen tests contain gold nanoparticles and in at least one case a chemical that has not been approved in Europe and has now received an exemption. All of these substances are harmful to health and the environment. All package inserts for rapid tests that have been examined to date contain chemicals that are hazardous to health. A spit test is based on carbon nanotubes, also a nanomaterial that is fundamentally subject to the European REACH chemicals regulation.”
All swabs that Prof. Bergholz analysed contained the carcinogenic and mutagenic substance EO, 50 times the amount of EO than is permitted.
Sometimes food stuffs are, illegally, gassed with EO to increase the “sell-by-date” because it is less expensive than other sterilising methods. There is a requirement of the Federal Institute of Risk Assessment regarding EO found in food stuffs: as soon as it has been proved that EO is present, the food has to be thrown away. This would also apply to anything that is inserted into the body.

In addition to chemicals found on the swabs, pieces of the swabs break off. “They clearly leave parts in the body that is unacceptable,” Prof. Bergholz said, “and this again is hard to understand that the authorities ‘push the rod along’, really, and don’t do anything.”
Prof. Bergholz has been pointing out for about six months that there is a health risk to using these tests but no action has been taken. The only response so far has been to mark test swabs as sterilised by radiation, “R”. The swabs that are marked as sterilised by radiation does not seem a credible claim, said Prof. Bergholz.
Sterilising medical devices with radiation, cobolt-60, is laborious, time consuming, requires certain dosages and facilities that can perform the procedure. This is why he feels the “R” claim is unlikely to be true and they are, in reality, using another sterilisation method, EO, for test swabs even when it is labelled “R”.
Ethylene oxide is highly toxic – it causes cancer, it damages DNA – and it is found on the Covid test swabs.
Click on the image below to follow the link to the video on Odysee.

(10 mins, start 39:52)
You can watch the full, almost 7-hour, Corona Investigative Committee Session 86, ‘The Fog is Lifting’ HERE. Details of all the participants and the topics covered can be found HERE.