Dutch, Belgian and German Truckers have announced that they will head towards Brussels
Truckers joined by motorists formed a rehearsal convoy in Friesland, Netherlands yesterday. Several European countries will soon be heading to Brussels in an attempt to end all mandates in the EU
Italian truckers now mobilising with reports Aussies are ready to go and UK & Europe truckers poised to go as well
The Australian government has formed road blocks at the Parliament House as the convoy starts to arrive in the capital city
US Truckers Staging Convoy
U.S. truckers celebrate the recent Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) canceled vaccine mandate and their Candian counterparts who have rolled into Canada’s capital, Ottawa, this weekend, demanding an end to cross-border vaccine rules. Truckers are on the frontlines fighting against medical tyranny as the next convoy could be soon headed to Washington, D.C.
A Facebook group called “Convoy To DC 2022” has more than 63k members and is preparing a convoy of truckers to ride from California to Washington, D.C., to tell the Biden administration and progressives they’re are done with overreaching health mandates.
Farmers and truckers in Germany join convoy
Agricoltori e camionisti in Germania si uniscono in convoglio per protestare contro gli obblighi vaccinali
Molti paesi in tutto il mondo stanno seguendo le orme del “Freedom Convoy”, il corteo di 50.000 camionisti canadesi (lungo 70 km / 43,5 miglia) che sono giunti a Ottawa questo fine settimana per protestare contro le imposizioni vaccinali. A Schwerin, in Germania, agricoltori e camionisti locali si sono uniti per formare un loro “Freedom Convoy”, ispirato ai camionisti canadesi.
Convoy of buses in Greece has started!
Canadians Protest
Truckers and protesters are celebrating a successful 2nd day of protesting in Ottawa, Canada