These Women Got the Jab — Here’s What Happened After
The women in this video detail the adverse reactions they developed after being vaccinated and what they experienced when they asked doctors for help. “If you say you got the
Woman Ends Up in Wheelchair After COVID Shot
In this video, Mona Hasegawa explains the adverse reactions she experienced within hours of receiving the Pfizer shot. “Maybe,” and “I don’t know,” were the only answers she got every
The Great Awakening – Dr. Malone Stresses the Importance of Speaking Out
“As somebody who is a dissenter, it’s crucial that you continue to dissent and speak out, because without that, that fraction of the population that is experiencing this hypnosis event,
Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Interview ( Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
“I think historians are gonna be very unkind… People are gonna look at this and say, ‘Really? We had a fatal disease [and we did nothing]?’ I think there’s gonna
What Doctors Say In Private About COV*D Jabs – The Pulse
In this docu-esque piece, Joe explores Dr. Madhava Setty’s experience inside a group of over 20,000 physicians who were making sense of what was happening throughout the last two years,
Maajid Nawaz challenges the narrative on Zelensky being the poster boy for democracy on FOX news with Tucker
Full Video
The Babylon Bee Refuses to Delete Their Tweet Which Satires Secretary of Health Rachel Levine as ‘Man of the Year’..More
Seth Dillon: “They’re asking us to basically bend the knee and say, ‘We admit that this is hateful conduct; please keep us on your platform,’ and we’re not gonna do
Joe Biden – “There is gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it”…More
Joe Biden just now – “There is gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it” Biden Flips Through Pages and Ignores Questions After Hunter’s
Dr. John Campbell & Jessica Henderson on the High Number of Non-COVID Excess Deaths in Queensland, Australia | Fourth vaccine dose
“Right up until the end of 2021, there were only 7 confirmed COVID deaths in Queensland in that time period, and yet there’s actually excess deaths of 3,000 for that

Thousands and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and sailors – abandoned the port city without a fight leaving all infrastructure and facilities intact
Unique footage – the Russian Large Landing Ship ‘Orsk’ (BDK), together with its escort, has entered and unloaded at the liberated port of Berdyansk. Ukrainian troops who were stationed here

WATCH: WCH General Assembly Meeting on 5G Health Impacts Disrupted by Hackers
Visit website to learn more about the disruption that occurred yes during our General Assembly Meeting. ➡️ Dr. Pri Bandara’s brilliant presentation on the risks of 5G and wireless
“This is the most self defeating US policy…” – Visa and Master card on “SILK and Steel Podcast

7 years of US led Ukraine war 377,000 deaths, NATO led Syria war 610,000 deaths, (Yemen, Libya ..etc) yet Russia gets accused of Genocide over 800 civilian deaths
You really couldn’t make it up, could you? By Dr Vernon Coleman You’d have to be as stupid as a BBC employee not to realise that the American conspirators manipulated
Tanzania had no covid restrictions during 2020 and 2021. No masks. No social distancing. No lockdowns. Under 5% jabbed. Mortality levels?
Tanzania had no covid restrictions during 2020 and 2021. No masks. No social distancing. No lockdowns. Less than 1 in 20 people has been jabbed. And, surprise, surprise, they had
Hillary Clinton, Jen Psaki, Senator Bob Casey & King Harald V test positive for Covid on the same day 👀 – Meet Triple Jabbed Plandemic Reinforcement Unit
Hillary Clinton has tested positive for COVID-19, she tweeted Tuesday. The 74-year-old former secretary of state said that she is experiencing “some mild cold symptoms” but said she is “feeling fine.” “I’m
The FDA Denied Informed Consent—Jabs Need to Be Pulled off the Market – Attorney Thomas Renz
Thomas Renz: “There is not a single other product available on the market anywhere—drug, chainsaws, hand grenades—not one that causes as much death and carnage to consumers. We don’t have
“It’s a Face Diaper” – Joe Rogan and Monty Franklin Point Out the Stupidity of Mask Logic
“Unless everybody has an N95 mask and it’s f*cking properly fitted, tight to your face, this is nonsense!” Full Podcast:
Bashar al-Assad on Ukraine: “Zionist Jews keep crying about Holocaust while supporting a leader that supports Nazis that killed Jews”
Syria’s Assad visits UAE, first trip to Arab state since war began Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited the United Arab Emirates on Friday in his first visit to an Arab
Video of Biden blackmailing Ukraine’s President Poroshenko with denying him the $1 Billion loan if he did not fire the prosecutor
In this video Biden boasts about blackmailing the then President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, with denying him the $1 Billion loan if he did not fire the prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,

Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers
Story at-a-glance A small batch of documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in mid-November 2021 revealed that in the first three months of the COVID jab rollout,
Large convoy of anti-mandate protesters is making its way to Canberra ahead of the Federal budget announcement
Large convoy of anti-mandate protesters is making its way to Canberra ahead of the Federal budget announcement. AFP have started to move in on vehicles already parked on the lawns
Geoengineering? Watch Tornados rip through US
A vicious tornado was caught on camera wreaking havoc in a Walmart parking lot in Austin, Texas Monday evening Onlookers can be seen screaming for nearby pedestrians to take cover
Judge Rules 11-Year-Olds Can’t Get Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent
The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on March 18 granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting the mayor of the District of Columbia, the D.C. Department of Health and

Get the Jab or Pay More for Health Insurance?
While health insurance companies cannot deny health insurance to someone on the basis of vaccination status, those who don’t get the COVID vaccine could face increased costs — similar to
Once-Healthy and Active 6-Year-Old Boy Suffers After Shot
“I miss my boy’s laughter,” mother of 6-year-old Sean writes in this video, as she shares how her son, who was once healthy, active and happy, lost his speech and
Germany is world leader in new Covid cases
Among the toughest measures for months, and now most cases, about ten percent of all cases worldwide. “The measures are working.”
Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness BANNED TED TALK from March 15, 2013
Graham Bruce Hancock is a British writer and journalist. He promotes pseudoscientific theoriesinvolving ancient civilizations, Earth changes, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths, and astronomical or
Is this proof of mass formation psychosis? Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated views on Ukraine
Unvaccinated Canadians are about 12 times more likely than those who received three doses to believe Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was justified, according to a new survey by national
Watch Author Interrupts Foreign Minister Joly’s Speech, Challenging Canada’s Involvement in Ukraine
“Stop escalating the war! Stop sending arms! Why didn’t you push Kyiv to sign the Minsk accord?! No to NATO! Shame on you! You’re gonna push us to World War
It’s your own fault if you took the jab and got AIDS – Says David Hurley: Australian Army general and Governor-General of Australia
While the world is Distracted by Ukraine & Russia war the governments building more Prison Camps
Australia. While the world is Distracted by Ukraine & Russia war the government is building more Prison Camps. Why is he fucking complying Concentration camp China, CCP party to blame.
Maryana Naumova, a world powerlifting champion, responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s propaganda message… “your father was Nazi SS officer”
Must watch truth bomb from Russian athlete Maryana Naumova. Her response to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s propaganda video is absolutely savage. “I would like to remind you- your family once was deceived
Local News reports Indiana woman barely can walk and talk after Covid-19 vaccine…and more
For More vaccine injuries check here

Turkish Airlines has announced that as of April 1st it will launch a direct connection between St. Petersburg and Antalya.
And so the Tur Turkish Airlines has decided on the terms of the summer flight program from St. Petersburg to Antalya. We tell you from what date flights start and
A drive to vaccinate more than 9 million children against polio has been launched this week in four countries in southern and eastern Africa
(AP) — A drive to vaccinate more than 9 million children against polio has been launched this week in four countries in southern and eastern Africa after an outbreak was

Ukraine becomes the first country to implement Klaus Schwab’s ’Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income
Ukraine becomes the first country to implement Klaus Schwab’s ’Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport

What is the Bitcoin Psyop? – The Corbett Report
This week on Questions For Corbett, Coll writes in to ask about the bitcoin psyop. What is crypto and how does it work? Is it evil? James gets into all
Moderna to Ask FDA for Emergency Use Authorization of Its “Up to 44% Effective” COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids as Young as 6 Months
Moderna’s two-dose COVID-19 vaccine was 44% effective at preventing infection from Omicron in children 6 months to under 2 years old and roughly 38% effective for children ages 2 to
NZ Ends Border Quarantine for Unvaccinated Citizens and Ends Vaccine Pass as Mandates End
Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) has published (Mar 18): “The Government has agreed that unvaccinated New Zealand citizens, and those who are eligible to travel to New Zealand do not
The Reactivation of Latent DNA Viruses: Shingles, Herpes, Epstein-Barr, etc. – Dr. Robert Malone
“If you’re having these DNA viruses jump out, it’s because the thing that’s been keeping the lid on the box has been released.” Full Video: Dr. Robert Malone Discusses Censorship,
“I Would Blow Their Head Off” – Government Can Only Do So Much When Their Citizens Have Guns – Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – NWO, Agenda, VAIDS
Dr. Zelenko: “If someone tries to break into my house and hold down my children and inject in a poison death liquid, what do you think is gonna happen?” Dr.
Inflation: Bloomberg Wants You to Shut Up and Enjoy Being Poor While the Elite Fill Their Pockets
“You’re watching a master level ponzi scheme. 2020 crash gets laundered through COVID bailouts. COVID bailouts laundered through inflation. Inflation laundered through war in Ukraine. The war and its effects
If you die from the vaccine, your life insurance company may not pay out
Dr. Pierre: “Even the judge says that the side effects from the vaccine are well known; they’ve been made public. There’s absolutely no way that this gentleman could NOT have

A simple way to end vaccine misinformation immediately
All a state has to do is MANDATE autopsies for anyone who dies within 2 months of a vaccination. The Medical Examiner would be required to make the results public.
What else happened this week
New York City: Kids Under 5 Years Old No Longer Need to Wear Masks in School as of April 4 Business Insider reported: Children under five will no longer be
COVID Jab Messed Up This Woman’s Menstrual Cycle
Menstrual irregularities, worsened PMS, daily headaches and nausea — these are just some of the adverse effects this woman experienced after being given the Pfizer shot. “My youngest is 5

FDA Gives Green Light to Gene-Edited Cattle
STORY AT-A-GLANCE While a lengthy approval process is typically necessary for gene-edited animals to enter the food market, the FDA streamlined the process for gene-edited cattle, allowing them to skirt
People have shot their immune systems to death with vaccines (Read)
(Natural News) A paper written by scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology claimed that many patients who experienced severe SARS-CoV-2 symptoms also had “lymphopenia,” which is the depletion of all the

41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%
by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting
Introducing PSYOP-22: The Next Round of “Pandemic” Mandates – Covid Tests Show the Omicron BA.2 Subvariant Is Gaining Ground in U.S.
Bloomberg has now been tapped to roll out the next psyop fear campaign: The omicron subvariant BA.2 is continuing to gain ground in the U.S., according to Covid-19 tests sequenced
NEW Edward Dowd Analysis: CDC data charts for millennials comparing lowest vaccination rate states vs the highest states
In a substack post on March 11th entitled, Edward Dowd, former BlackRock analyst, & his team just uncovered raw CDC data that Millennials age 25-44 had 61k excess deaths 2021, +84%
Incoming White House COVID Response Coordinator Called Great Barrington Declaration ‘junk science’, Authors ‘clowns’ (Read)
By Jefferey Jaxen The White House COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients will be replaced by Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health. Yet Dr.

Shots, Children & SMART Health Cards
March 22, 2022 – Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher
(VCY America) COVID hospitalizations in the U.S. continue to plunge, while at the same time, there’s emphasis being put on the vaccines. Now the CEO of Pfizer is saying a

Italy, India, Germany, Brazil… Masses Says No to VaxPass [March 22-23]
Italy 21.03.22 #NoGreenPass Palmanova Italy 21.03.22 #NoGreenPass Bologna Italy The Pfizer vaccine killed this 5 year old in Brazil Brazil: Helena de MarcoLavalle Died In Her Sleep 8 Days AfterThe
Watch Ukrainian soldier attempting to flee from Mariupol disguised as a woman-refugee | Resident of Mariupol describes the evacuation from the city during heavy fighting
Yet another Ukrainian soldier/nationalist fighter attempting to flee from Mariupol disguised as a woman-refugee. To date, dozens and dozens of militants, posing as refugees, have been detained at Russian checkpoints

Briefing from Russian Defence Ministry (March 23) | Belarus expels majority of Ukrainian diplomats
Russia’s ally Belarus said Wednesday it will expel most Ukrainian diplomats working in the country, accusing Kyiv of “interference” in its domestic affairs. “Belarus has decided to reduce the number
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Announces That the Need for a Vaccine Pass Will Be Scrapped in Most Settings — For Now
“I say, ‘for now,’ as I will still provide the same disclaimer that every country realistically must — should there be a variant that demands it or a change in
Fertility crisis in the western world
A man today has only about half the sperm his grand Father had. A woman in her 20’s is less fertile than her grandmother was at 35. Chemicals are almost