You really couldn’t make it up, could you?
You’d have to be as stupid as a BBC employee not to realise that the American conspirators manipulated a war between Russia and Ukraine.
Why do I blame the conspirators?
Well, when NATO put a missile base just 100 miles from the Russian border they must have known they were poking pins into the Russian bear. Didn’t anyone think ‘Cuba’?
And just to make sure that there was a decent war, Biden supplied Ukraine with missiles to fire at the Russians.
So now, as a direct result of a manufactured war, there are food shortages everywhere. And they’re going to get worse. Everyone knows that… Read More
Fact 1
According to the United Nations, the number of civilian deaths in Ukraine is 760. According to the Ukraine President, the number of soldiers who have died in Ukraine is 1,300. (by March 19)
Fact 2
According to the United Nations, the seven-year-old war in Yemen had killed an estimated 377,000 people by the end of 2021 – and is now killing more people than the fighting in Ukraine. The Yemen war has been described as the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. The Saudis have interfered in what was basically a civil war.
Fact 3
The war in Syria has now been going on for ten years and the number of people killed is believed to be 610,000
Why isn’t your town hall flying flags in support of the people of Yemen and Syria?
The answer, of course, is that the invasion of Ukraine was organised and manipulated by the conspirators in the West to help push the energy and food shortages required for the Great Reset and the New World Order that they have planned for us.

The difference between what is reported on MSM and the reality on the ground