General Wesley 9/11
‘General Wesley Clark discusses the “Project For The New American Century”, which was written one year before 9/11. It mentioned needing a catastrophic event, like a new “Pearl Harbor”, to expand America’s dominance.’
Ex-General Wesley Clark also revealed U.S plan for Middle East wars and ‘taking out’ seven countries:
Starting with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.
Flight Attendant – 9/11 – Methodical Illusion by Rebekah Roth
Janitor that was in the World Trade Center building
911 – Where did the Towers Go? DEW
9/11 – Flight 93 – No Evidence of a Plane Crash
America betrayed, the Pentagon September 11, 2001
Dr. James Wickstrom
July 1, 2006
Examining Jet Engine Crash Debris From New York 9/11
This short video makes a very compelling argument that this engine COULD NOT have come from a 767 aircraft.
911 – What happened to the planes and passengers?