It appears even the most famous and successful are not immune to the “coincidences” that have been occurring since early 2021.
Within the space of a few months, the two halves of one of the world’s most well-known couples have suffered debilitating conditions that would normally be associated with the elderly.
The problem is that Justin Bieber, who recently cancelled his tour after announcing he is suffering Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, is 28 years of age, and his wife Hailey Bieber, who suffered a stroke in March, is 25.
Is this just an unfortunate coincidence?
It’s possible, but evidence suggests the famous couple are suffering the consequences of the Covid-19 vaccination. And Justin Bieber’s condition can even be linked to the alleged monkeypox outbreak currently being advertised via the mainstream media.

Expose – Let’s start with Justin Bieber. On June 10th, he released a video in which he revealed half of his face is paralysed after being diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, leading to the cancellation of his upcoming tour.
Justin Bieber revealed that half of his face is paralyzed after being diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
— RapTV (@Rap) June 10, 2022
Prayers up🙏
So what is Ramsay Hunt Syndrome?
It’s caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox and occurs when a shingles outbreak affects the facial nerve near one of your ears. In addition to the painful shingles rash, Ramsay Hunt syndrome can cause facial paralysis and hearing loss in the affected ear.
The condition typically affects people over the age of 60.
What does that have to do with Covid-19 vaccination?
Well, it has something to do with the fact Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the immune system.
The following chart shows the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England according to the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –

A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.
This immune system damage is leading to flare-ups of herpes infections, shingles and autoimmune blistering disease among the vaccinated, and monkeypox is being used to cover this up.
According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo).
The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following –
The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’
In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.
The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.
And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.
Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.
It’s perfectly possible that this is what has happened to Justin Bieber.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.
But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.
Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022.
One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections.
According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection.

As you can see this isn’t just a problem significant to Justin Bieber, it’s happening all over the USA.
To summarise –
Due to the damage done to the immune system by Covid-19 vaccination, the dormant ‘chickenpox’ virus that was dormant inside Justin Bieber may have been reactivated resulting in shingles. The virus, unfortunately, affected his ear resulting in the condition Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.
So what about his wife, Hailey Bieber?
Haile Bieber was hospitalised in March 2022 due to suffering a mini-stroke known as a ‘Transient Ischemic Attack’ which is a small blood clot on the brain.
The condition typically affects people over the age of 55. So with Hailey Bieber being just 25-years of age, it’s simple to conclude this was most likely caused by Covid-19 vaccination based on the raft of evidence available.
Stroke is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. It is the No. 5 cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States.
But it looks as if the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections because a study of VAERS data has revealed that per number of doses administered, ‘stroke’ is 115x / 11,361% more likely to be suffered as an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccines than the Flu vaccines.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) hosted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States of America.
The following chart shows the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the Covid-19 vaccines that resulted in a person suffering a type of stroke up to 11th Feb 22 in the USA, and the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the flu vaccines that resulted in a person suffering a type of stroke between 2008 and 2020 in the USA.

The raw numbers alone show that in the space of 14 months there were 37 times as many adverse event reports made against the Covid-19 vaccines that resulted in a stroke than were made against the Flu vaccines in 13 years.
But when we actually work out the rate of strokes suffered per number of doses administered, we find that the Covid-19 vaccines have proven to be even more harmful than they first appear.
According to the CDC, between the 08/09 flu season and the 19/20 flu season, there were a total of 1,720,400,000 (1.7204 billion) doses of the flu jab administered in the USA.
Whereas from the start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign up to 11th Feb 22 there were a total of 557,637,223 (557.6 million) doses of the Covid-19 vaccine administered in the USA.

The following chart shows the number of doses of vaccine administered per stroke suffered as an adverse reaction in the USA for both the Flu vaccines and the Covid-19 vaccines.

The following chart shows the number of strokes reported per 100,000 doses administered of both the Flu jabs and Covid-19 injections –

The data shows the Covid-19 injections are 115 times / 11,361% more likely to cause the recipient to suffer a stroke than the flu vaccines.
With further data made available by Public Health Scotland showing a 67% increase compared to the historical average in the number of people aged 15 to 44 suffering heart attacks and strokes since this age group was first offered the Covid-19 injection in Scotland, it’s not hard to conclude that Hailey Bieber suffered a stroke due to Covid-19 vaccination.
The following chart shows the percentage change in the number of people aged 15-44 requiring an ambulance for cardiovascular cases per week in Scotland from the week ending 4th July 2021 to the week ending 21st November 2021, compared to the historical average per week among the same age group –

So there you have it. It’s highly unlikely to be just a coincidence that within the space of a few months, the two halves of one of the world’s most well-known couples have suffered debilitating conditions that would normally be associated with the elderly.
Instead, this is a consequence of Covid-19 vaccination that even the world’s most famous and successful people are not immune to.