“It’s no secret that, according to politicians and the corporate press, ‘food shortages’ and a ‘food supply crises’ have been on the way for a while now. They have been regularly predicted for several years.
What’s really strange is that despite its near-constant incipience, the food shortage never seems to actually arrive and is always blamed on something new.
As long ago as 2012, ‘scientists’ were predicting that climate change and a lack of clean water would create ‘food shortages’ that would ‘turn the world vegetarian by 2050‘.
In 2019, UN ‘experts’ warned that ‘climate change was threatening the world’s food supply‘. Later the same year, the UK was warned that they could expect a food shortage as a result of ‘post-Brexit chaos.
By early March 2020 supermarkets were already ‘warning’ that the government had been too slow to act on the coronavirus outbreak, and they might run out of food (They never actually did) …” read more Off guardian