Hilarious and Ironic: The New York Times Was Owned by Their Own Articles in an Online Debate
Candace Owens was proclaiming how corrupt Ukraine is, and the New York Times challenged her, asking what her evidence for that claim was. Candace came back with links to articles from the New York Times years prior, specifically detailing how corrupt Ukraine was.
Joe Rogan: “You guys didn’t even look through your own f*cking archives before you’re trying to dunk on someone? Your own newspaper talked EXTENSIVELY about corruption in Ukraine.”
“It’s A Cult Now” – Social Media Created an Echo Chamber of Group-Thinking Hypochondriacs
Joe Rogan: “…all of these crazy people who are hypochondriacs have grouped up together, and they’re enforcing each other. And this one guy was wearing a respirator… Why are you wearing a respirator? Are you gonna wear this in five years?”
Full Podcast:
Michael Shellenberger is an author, president of the non-profit research group Environmental Progress, and a candidate for the governorship of California. His most recent book, “San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities,” is available now.