We know that the Covid ‘vaccines’ contain HIV, but it it’s not the first time they include it in vaccines
May 11, 1987, the London Times published an article titled “Smallpox vaccine causes the AIDS virus.”
Almost 100 million Africans were vaccinated by the WHO. The vaccine was blamed for awakening the “dormant” infection of the AIDS virus on the continent.
Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the discoverers of HIV, told the Times: “Now I believe that the theory of the smallpox vaccine explains the explosion of AIDS, the link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis.”
They are doing it again but this time with the entire world population.
MSM is already talking about getting tested for HIV. They want you to think you had it prior to the jab but unaware because you didn’t get tested for it.
They will call it an AIDS epidemic when it’s actually a VAIDS epidemic – Vaccine Acquired Immune Defienciency Syndrome.