“This is the latest installment of my ongoing investigation into the court-ordered release of Pfizer’s trove of documents, which the FDA relied on to grant emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, back in December 2020. A particular document that stood out to me in the latest July 1, Pfizer data dump, is the 3611-page document entitled, ‘C4591001-fa-interim-narrative-sensitive.’
It contains pertinent information on hundreds of Pfizer’s clinical trial subjects who, whether due to death, serious adverse events, pregnancy, COVID-19 or just ‘no longer meeting eligible criteria,’ were withdrawn from the trial. The document also includes revealing narrative comments for subjects in both the placebo group and those administered either a single or two-dose BNT162b2 during Pfizer’s pivotal C4591001 trial, conducted in multiple sites spanning, South Africa, Argentina and the US…”