New HIV super-strain is found in 70.7% Vaccinated Netherlands
• This highly infectious variant makes people ill twice as quickly and has been spotted in at least 109 people
• VB variant has infected 109 people, the majority of whom are in the Netherlands.
• The strain damages the immune system twice as fast as other variants of virus
• Treatment leads to survival rate similar to those infected with other strains.
This is because the spike proteins shade lots of things…. in fact, the spike proteins were based on HIV cells. The video above eerily predicted an HIV-like infection would plague people who have been jabbed. It has literally began happening. Source

Doctors Explain The HIV AIDS Hoax HIV HOAX Exposed
Leaked Database Shows U.S. Military Disease Skyrocketing After Covid-19 Inoculations
Data leaked from the Defense Health Agencies Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows skyrocketing levels of disease among military personnel.
Percentage Increase Over the Average of the Last Five Years
🔼Heart Attacks 269%
🔼Pericarditis 175%
🔼Myocarditis 285%
🔼Pulmonary Embolisms 467%
🔼Cerebral Infarction 393%
🔼Bell’s Palsy 319%
🔼Guillain-Barre 250%
🔼Immunodeficiencies 275%
🔼Menstrual Irregularity 476%
🔼Multiple Sclerosis 487%
🔼Miscarriage 306%
🔼HIV 590%
🔼Chest Pain 1,529%
🔼Labored Breathing 905%
Some Covid-19 vaccines could increase risk of HIV, researchers warn
— Maajid أبو عمّار (@MaajidNawaz) February 8, 2022
“researchers are warning that more needs to be learned about this side effect (!?) before COVID-19 vaccinations are rolled out to vulnerable populations.”
Isn't it interesting that (according to the BBC) people in Australia who were given a COVID vaccine were subsequently testing positive for HIV.
— Agent Orange (@agentorange6969) February 5, 2022
Now, we're all being told we should test ourselves for HIV?
…and as luck would have it, Moderna have just developed an HIV vaccine!
Why are they normalising HIV? 😬
— Bel (@Bel_B30) February 7, 2022
I’d rather be labeled an anti-vaxxer and be banned from cafes, restaurants and bars than test positive for HIV.
— Aunty O (@AuntyOfOmicron) February 8, 2022
We warned everybody ….We tried our best but some people just refused to hear us….Instead, we were censored, ridiculed, name called. So now ……Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection
— Gillian McKeith (@GillianMcKeith) February 8, 2022
Virologist and Nobel winning PROF. LUC MONTAGNIER:
— Billy #Doom Kane (@BillyKane0) February 5, 2022
He believes that the ongoing vaccinations across the world is an ”enormous” and ”unacceptable mistake.” A scientific error as well as a medica
This is just what Dr Peter McCullough warned about months ago when he suspected that the Pandemic might be a biological terrorist attack: that all the fearmongering is aimed at getting people to take the booster, and the booster is, in effect, the coup de grâce. I’ve been telling people about that warning. I hate being proved right when potentially tens of millions may die. But the narrator missed something: the Chinese researchers isolated the virus, but they didn’t develop the mRNA vaccine that has the marker for HIV.
Nobody’s ever isolated ANY “virus.” Have you ever looked into how virologists conduct isolation experiments? Besides, why do you need to have some new HIV super-variant at all? The people testing “positive” for the fake virus are actually just falling for a different version of the PCR test scam (which can be rigged to show whatever they want whenever they want, which actually isn’t detecting any virus at all.)
The point is, this is a cover story. The truth is far simpler. The jabs are causing “AIDS” directly, all by themselves, no novel fake HIV virus is needed.
But, testing positive for the new fake HIV and then getting (predictably) ill (because that’s what the jabs do,) will be fake confirmation that indeed it was the fake HIV virus after all (NOT SOME DEVASTATING SIDE EFFECT FROM THE JABS ALONE.)
[…] — why (@whykeepitup) February 11, 2022 House of Numbers: Documentary film that literally re-writes the story of HIV/AIDS As COVID crumbles they’re already prepping the next “pandemic” Jab Induced HIV: COVID-19 VACCINES LINKED TO HIV/AIDS […]
[…] evidence… Today’s pandemic response is eerily similar to the smallpox pandemic response Jab Induced HIV: COVID-19 VACCINES LINKED TO HIV/AIDS As COVID crumbles they’re already prepping the next “pandemic” Is there something more […]
[…] House of Numbers: Documentary film that literally re-writes the story of HIV/AIDS Is there something more sinister than money behind the “new HIV” scare? Jab Induced HIV: COVID-19 VACCINES LINKED TO HIV/AIDS […]