The world financial system is bankrupt, due to the policies of the financial oligarchy; and they are trying to blame Russia for the consequences of their own decisions.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – In the following video, Harley Schlanger of the LaRouche Organization explains how the so-called “transatlantic democracies” have not only launched an economic war against Russia but have declared economic war on their populations.
Sanctions against Russia, which are widening daily, are already having a disastrous impact on the West, accelerating the rise in fuel, heating, and food prices.
But this has not been caused by Russia. The world financial system is bankrupt due to the policies of the financial oligarchy, and they are trying to blame Russia for the consequences of their own decisions.
This is known to countries like India, Brazil, South Africa, and Pakistan, many of which are part of the BRICS alliance along with Russia and China, and they are not willing to align themselves this time to the pressures and consensus of London, Wall Street, Washington, and Brussels, because:
1. The BRICS Alliance comes from the tradition of nations unwilling to be part of any particular bloc of sovereign states instead of subordination to unipolar world order.
2. The economic policies of the ‘transatlantics’ are collapsing the world economy by creating speculative bubbles. These bubbles benefit the world’s wealthiest at the expense of the poorest and the former colonial countries.
3. The sovereign states that are part of BRICS are committed to economic development based on the physical economy and not on monetarist tricks to cover the inflation of the unpayable debt in the hands of the bankers at the international level.