SEIU 1021 San Francisco MTA shop steward and elected bargaining committee member Kimberly Cox reports on the agreement by the SEIU 1021 leadership to agree to the terminations of SEIU 1021 members who did not get vaccinations. They did this she says without going back to the membership or elected bargaining committee. She also reported that the SEIU 1021 leadership is refusing to allow elected union members joining the bargaining committee unless they have been vaccinated using the City rules to shut down democracy. She demands democracy in SEIU 1021 and against the growing corruption and nepotism by President Joseph Bryant and the top leadership. This interview was done on 3/19/22.
Fauci and His NIH Scientists Received $350 Million in Royalties From Big Pharma – RFK Jr.
“We can estimate over the last decade just how much money flowed from 3rd party payers, think pharmaceutical companies, back to NIH and its scientists.