By Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc
I strongly suspect that most people still don’t understand just how much they have been manipulated over the last two years. Nor do they realise the depth of the deceit or the extent of the fraud which has changed their lives.
Most people believe that although their politicians can’t be trusted on the small things they’re probably pretty trustworthy on the big things: that’s what they want to believe. They want to be able to trust that their government will look after them, protect their interests and defend them against the big threats. The mass of people know that the politicians in government are a bit crooked but want to believe that they are not completely crooked. Questioning that belief requires great strength because we like to believe that people are fundamentally good and we like to be able to trust the people who rule our world. The principle of cognitive dissonance means that most people find it difficult to believe that anyone in power could be determined to control them, harm them both physically and mentally and eventually to destroy them.
However, I wonder how many realise that since the start of the covid-19 fraud, the British Government, like governments all around the world, has been advised by a huge team of psychologists and brain-washing specialists, has been regularly using torture techniques devised by the Central Intelligence Agency for the purpose of breaking and controlling prisoners and making them more compliant and easier to manage. Politicians in just about every country in the world have deliberately treated their populations (their employers to put it bluntly) as prisoners. The brain washing experts know that when the lies are big enough they are more digestible than the truth.
Prison guards know well that physical control of populations (whether small as in a prison or large as in a country) cannot easily be done without cooperation. Those who run religious cults (and there is no doubt that in scientific and psychological terms global warming should be regarded as a religious cult rather than anything else) know that isolating individuals (by locking them away or forcing them to maintain a physical distance from others) is only one part of the process.
Forced mask wearing (which has been proven time and time again to have absolutely no value in preventing the spread of infection) helps to enforce the sense of isolation and is another technique favoured by torturers and those determined to obtain control over individuals. We all learn a great deal of information and comfort from looking at the faces around us and when masks are worn we are mentally and spiritually weakened. A paper in the Journal of Neonatal Nursing showed how much babies suffer when deprived of the chance to see their mother’s face. Brain growth in infants is much affected by the baby’s relationship with people it sees. Back in the 19th century, Charles Darwin pointed out that the ability to read facial expressions is a crucial part of development.
Aided by these platoons of psy-op specialists (more traditionally used to think up ways to denigrate an enemy during times of war) our politicians and their advisors have deliberately used propaganda techniques to increase our fear of a disease which government figures prove is no more deadly than the flu. Actually, fear isn’t a strong enough word. Our own politicians, and the advisors paid to inform us, have created an atmosphere of terror. Their unscientific rules are deliberately designed to cause chaos, panic, confusion and despair. Truths are suppressed and distorted and those who try to share scientific truths are demonised, isolated and humiliated.
Governments have deliberately set us against one another. Those who refuse the experimental jab are demonised and the Government says that if not enough people accept the toxic covid jabs then there will be a risk of more lockdowns while those who do not accept the covid passports are endangering the rest of the world. The authorities and the media are repeatedly using every trick in the book to create division and hatred between communities. National culture and history are deliberately destroyed. Racial and ethnic divisions are widely promoted and encouraged. Men and women are encouraged to distrust one another.
There never was any doubt that the covid passports and the lockdowns and the utterly absurd social distancing were being used to increase the number of people agreeing to be given an experimental and potentially lethal injection.
The psychologists, military psy-op specialists and brainwashing experts who have been recruited for this evil work are aware that all humans draw confidence, comfort and satisfaction from living in a safe, reliable, predictable world.
Our satisfaction with the world is part of our self-esteem. Our hopes, passions and dreams are all part of our self-esteem. They are deliberately taking away our satisfactions and our dreams to break us and to mould us.
If the world becomes chaotic, threatening and uncertain we tend to feel stressed and anxious; we are more likely to become physically and mentally ill. The more unknowns there are to deal with the more frightening and dangerous the world becomes.
We all have threats, dangers and worries within our own personal lives. It is natural for us to want to feel that the world around us provides some certainty and some general sense of security and contentment. We want to believe that our leaders are doing their best to look after us, to provide us with a safe environment. We want to trust our politicians and their advisors. We want to trust the media. We know they all lie on the small things but we want to trust them on the big things.
Our politicians and their advisors, and the psychologists and brain washing experts have taken advantage of our natural needs and fears and they have betrayed our trust. They have cold-bloodedly and deliberately destabilised an entire nation to promote the private agenda of a bunch of billionaires who don’t give a damn for people and who are determined to win power and money at all costs – even though the costs include injury, death and a widespread mental illness.
The twin frauds of our time, the covid fraud and the global warming fraud, are being used, quite deliberately and cold-bloodedly, to terrify us into obeying advice and laws which are designed not to protect us but to force us into sickness and enslavement.
If you’ve grown up believing that the nation’s leaders have your best interests at heart it is difficult to get your head round this new state of affairs; to believe that nothing is as it seems and nothing is as we would like it to be.
People like me have to be crushed because we are shattering the façade, the myth of good government, by asking people to question everything they believe they know and can trust and to accept that the people in charge are doing bad things for bad reasons.
Straying from what we have learned since childhood, and from the things we think we know and can believe, can be enormously painful. Most people dislike (and find frightening) anything new which shatters our well-established, traditional beliefs.
Back in May 2020, I made a video entitled ‘Coronavirus: You’ve been brainwashed (Here’s how they did it)’ because it had become painfully apparent that governments were not following the science (as they claimed to be doing) but were using a fake crisis to create fear and to force us into doing precisely what they wanted us to do.
However there was one branch of science that ministers and advisors were following slavishly: they were following advice and instructions from psychologists and brainwashing experts. Masks and social distancing and lockdowns were introduced to create fear and to remind us that we had to do what we were told to do. The masks, in particular, were always all about teaching us to be compliant.
In the UK, the Government has a privately owned Behavioural Insights Team which was set up in 2010 and which has advised ministers on how to motivate people by using phrases such as `save Christmas’ and `save Granny’.
The psychologists who advise governments encourage simple steps. Force the people to accept plan A as an alternative to plan B and then it will be easier to force them to accept plan B.
When I made my first video about what I called the coronavirus hoax in March 2020 I said that the forecasts contained figures that had been plucked out of the air. A day later, after the first video had been seen by around a million people, I deleted it and put up a second version in which I didn’t use the words ‘plucked out of the air’. I did this because, on reflection, it seemed inconceivable that government ministers should accept and then repeat figures plucked out of the air.
But that is precisely what they did.
A mathematical modeller with the worst imaginable track record produced figures and his forecasts became a sort of new pseudoscience. The mainstream media repeated the claims as though they were real. Every figure produced by every government has been a wild exaggeration. They have done everything to fiddle the figures – including, of course, claiming that anyone who dies within 60 days of testing positive for covid (with a laughably unreliable PCR test which was never designed or approved for the purpose and which can be altered at will to create more positives) must have died of covid. Someone who was run over by a bus within 60 days of testing positive would be officially listed as a covid death. There were no more deaths from covid than there are from flu in a more normal year.
Right from the start of these twin frauds, governments have been using a range of Orwellian mind control tricks’. The slogans, the clapping and the symbols have all been carefully used to enable the authorities to take control of our thinking.
Early in 2020, Dr Colin Barron, a medical doctor and hypnotherapist , pointed out to me just how our minds have been taken over and we have been very successfully and skilfully manipulated into believing the lies we have been fed.
Elected governments, aided by specialist behavioural scientists, have been brainwashing millions into accepting the covid propaganda. And together with spreading misinformation through the BBC and the rest of the mass media, politicians and advisors have suppressed and discredited the truth and the truth-tellers.
The mind is a wonderful thing. It responds in sometimes unpredictable ways. If you see a headline which says: ‘Boris Johnson is an alien’ then most people will probably dismiss it quite readily. But if the headline says ‘Is Boris Johnson an alien?’ readers will be more likely to suspect that the British Prime Minister might indeed be from another planet. And research shows that if people see a headline which says ‘Boris Johnson is NOT an alien’ then their suspicions will be raised still higher.
Manipulating and tricking the mind is a professional business.
The brainwashing has been very subtle. We’ve all been quietly hypnotised and indoctrinated to accept the new mass hysteria generated by governments everywhere. Many people miss the lockdowns and the furlough payments. It enables them to avoid responsibility for their own lives.
Do you remember who said: ‘Through clever and constant application of propaganda people can be made to see paradise as hell and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched life as paradise.’?
It was Adolf Hitler, who was a master at mass manipulation and the use of subliminal techniques. And it was Hitler who also commented that it was good fortune for governments that the mass of people did not think.
The Nazis were very good at controlling people’s minds.
Goebbels, who was Hitler’s propaganda chief, once said that if you repeat a lie often enough then people will believe it. He also pointed out that if you want to control a population and you have to deal with opposition then you should accuse the other side of the sin or the trickery which you yourself are using.
So, governments everywhere have been accusing those who are telling the truth of spreading fake news. Anyone who doesn’t toe the party line is dismissed as a dangerous conspiracy theorist – though the big conspiracies have all been coming from governments.
Countries around the world have been promoting slogans to persuade their citizens to behave as required. In China there was a slogan which said ‘If you love your parents, lock them up’. In Taiwan people were told ‘To visit each other is to kill each other’.
At first glance the slogans which are heavily advertised in the UK seem harmless enough. We all recognise them.
Some such as ‘We’re all in this together’ seem fairly innocuous, though we might all be forgiven for adding the rider that we are all in this together unless we work as advisors to the Prime Minister.
The first trio of phrases which were promoted everywhere were: Keep your distance, Wash your hands and Think of others.
Then another trio were added to the repertoire: Stay home, Save lives, Protect the NHS
The rhythm and pattern used in these phrases is not a coincidence. There are usually three words in each phrase and the phrases run in threes. This isn’t a coincidence; it isn’t happenchance.
Using phrases of three words, presented in groups of three, is a technique known as the rule of three in psychological conditioning.
And that’s the reason for the three phrases with which we are all being bombarded. We’re being trained and taught at the same time. It’s behavioural psychology.
Other hypnotherapists have pointed out that if we repeat phrases often enough then the words and thoughts become implanted in our subconscious minds and then become a belief which motivates our behaviour. And so governments repeat slogans which become beliefs. It’s called auto suggestion – along the lines of ‘every day in every way I am getting better and better’.
Hitler was also a believer that if a lie was repeated often enough it would eventually be confused with the truth by the greater part of the population.
‘People more readily fall victim to the big lie than the small lie,’ said Hitler, ‘since it would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.’
Hitler used these techniques to control and manipulate the German people and to persuade them to accept the evil things he wanted them to do.
George Orwell who invented Newspeak, also understand the importance of the triple three word phrase. In 1984, his futuristic novel which was written in 1948, Orwell invented the slogan: ‘War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength’.
If you want a picture of the future, wrote Orwell, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever. Power, he reminded us, is not a means, it is an end.
Everything else that has been happening since February 2020 is part of the brainwashing process.
It has been noticeable that the instructions we have been given have been more like orders. The signs that have popped up like dandelions say Stand here, not Please stand here. And why not? You don’t say ‘Please’ to prisoners do you?
And then there are the weeks of clapping for carers and medical staff.
Clapping, which probably started innocently and with good intentions, covers up the paradox – the quiet insistent terror that comes from knowing that for all practical purposes there is no health care and we have all been betrayed by politicians and bureaucrats who decided to devote entire health care programmes to caring for a relatively small number of patients who have, or might be thought to have or be susceptible to a flu like virus.
Dr Milton Erickson, an eminent hypnotist, used to give his patients simple tasks to do. He would send them home to clean the attic or count the books they owned. All this was done as part of the process of mind control. Telling people to stand on their doorsteps at 8 pm on Thursdays and to clap is a simple, repetitive task which is part of the mass hypnosis. The clapping may have started out innocently but it was quickly and enthusiastically promoted by the people influencing our lives.
Persuading people to do what you want them to do is part of the hypnotherapy process. Getting people to clap was also important in that it made people believe in the danger of the coronavirus and the bravery of those working in health care. It helped people accept the fact that there were no beds available for patients with cancer or any other disorder.
The rainbow which has suddenly started to appear everywhere is another part of the brainwashing process. Thousands have been so successfully brainwashed that they willingly take part in promoting the symbols and the slogans.
Even the confusing rules about who we can and cannot see were part of the programme. A minister recently told Britons that two people could meet one person but that one person could not meet two people. An obvious contradictory nonsense.
If you confuse and bewilder at the same time that you are frightening people then you unsettle them and create an anxious and obedient population.
And that is what has been going on for many months.
Bearing all this in mind I prepared my own triple phrased slogan. Three words and three phrases: Distrust the government, Avoid mass media, Fight the lies
My slogans fit the brainwashing requirement perfectly.
Simple, effective, honest.
Distrust the government, Avoid mass media, Fight the lies