Mass formation collapse!
In a previous post, we referred to Worldometer to show not many died of Covid in most countries, even according to the official data.
Corona in Zahlen is a German site that also records Covid cases, and deaths, as well as official vaccination and Covid test numbers.
Corona in Zahlen is run by Dr. M. Siekmann and uses statistics from Johns Hopkins University to report corona infections in over 200 countries worldwide.
Worldwide corona statistics “are accessed via the freely accessible Our World in Data data set,” explains Corona in Zahlen.
Our World in Data is a non-profit organisation made up of researchers from the University of Oxford and the Global Change Data Lab.
Corona in Zahlen also uses data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control for European countries and Robert Koch Instituts, R-Welt and DIVI for Germany.
Data Comparison
Of the 227 countries Worldometer have been tracking since the beginning of the pandemic, 9 have recorded zero deaths, 38 have recorded less than 100 deaths, 62 have recorded less than 200 deaths, 80 have recorded less than 500 deaths, and 100 have recorded less than 1000 deaths each.
In fact, 206 countries from the 227 reported less than 50,000 deaths.
Of the 222 countries Corona in Zahlen have been tracking, 8 have recorded zero deaths, 33 have recorded less than 100 deaths, 56 have recorded less than 200 deaths, 78 have recorded less than 500 deaths, and 93 less than 1000 deaths.
Covid in Zahlen reports less than 50,000 deaths for 200 of the 222 countries tracked.
Influenza Comparison
Now consider that during the 2018 flu season, the Office for National Statistics reported just over 50,000 deaths in England and Wales.
This was considered high, yet during the outbreak, Public Health England (PHE) declared that “while flu was rendering the largest number of people seriously unwell since the winter of 2010/11, it was still not an epidemic.”
Although we need to take the total size and population of each country into account, we can at least acknowledge that the population of England and Wales – even combined – is pretty small compared to most countries, say in Africa, for example.
Imagine how relieved and relaxed the global population would be feeling now, instead of stressed and fearful, if mainstream media had reported on the vast number of countries hardly hit with Covid-19 deaths over the last two years instead of reporting recorded Covid cases.
Also note that Covid only deaths are proving to be much smaller than official numbers as data in countries like Australia , New Zealand, the UK and USA now goes public, and the mainstream media like The New York Times, and Spectator are beginning to ask questions.
Vaccination Noncompliance
It is also reassuring to see Covid in Zahlen report official data showing less than 20% of the population went for the Covid vaccine in 30 countries, and less than 50% of the people had the vaccine in 78 countries. Less than 50% have fully vaccinated status in 96 countries (did not go back for more shots), and less than 25% have had a booster in 138 countries.