“They used it in order to be able to declare a public health emergency of international concern, and based on this declaration, they now are using untested new drugs, experimental substances… that would not ever have been used on human beings had it not been for this public health emergency of international concern, and that is based only and solely on the PCR test.”
“For the Love of God, Do Not Let Them Experiment on Your Children” – Dr. Richard Fleming
“Your children have been here now for the last 28 months, and they have not died… If your child has not died in 28 months of this virus being around, why would you expose them now to a new challenge with an experimental vaccine?”
Creating Order Out of Chaos: The Ultimate Goal Is to Install a One-World Government
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “What they’re after is keeping us in panic mode for as long as it takes for them to install this one-world government. They’re trying to give us as much chaos as possible, first through COVID, [and] then there’s the breakdown of the supply chains. All of this is staged… but this is all part of the Great Reset. This is all part of causing as much chaos as possible, so that ultimately, we will, in our individual countries, agree [that] our government can’t handle this [and create a] one-world government.”
Full Video: A Cross Examination of the Global Pandemic With Judy Mikovits, Reiner Fuellmich + More