“I don’t think they have any other choice, practically, other than to continue this strategy of denial and propaganda and censorship to try to avoid culpability. It’s up to the world.”
The State Has No Business Pushing Jabs on the Children – Dr. Robert Malone
“We absolutely should not do these practices of coercion or enticement like ice cream for a jab, or this playing tricks like, ‘Well, if you send your child to school, you’ve implicitly approved of them to be vaccinated.’ That’s just sneaky.”
The Denigration and Displacement of Ivermectin – Dr. Robert Malone
“There’s this growing awareness that there is T cell damage from the vaccine, so that it may be that if you’re naturally immune and you take the vaccine, you actually have a less effective immune response than you did before you took the vaccine.”
Dr. Malone: “The Largest Experiment on Human Beings Ever Performed in the History of the World”
“[This vaccine program] has been done in a way that has waived norms and standards that have been developed over decades. So this question of: Robert, why are you speaking out? I’m seeing my profession destroyed.”
Watch Full Documentary: Dr. Robert Malone Documentary – Headwind – Scientists Whose Voices Have Been Censored