Brazil March/22 .. Marcelo, the child’s father says .. I will speak loudly for everyone to hear … with all due respect to you, my daughter is coming to school without a mask and she WILL NOT WEAR MASKS, she is under twelve years of age and is not obliged to wear masks, the law does not oblige her to wear masks and whoever compels her is committing a crime provided for in article 232 of the ECA (statute of children and adolescents) .. if someone forces her to wear masks she will call me and I’ll go directly to the police station to file a report against anyone who compels her .. I don’t want to take away the school’s authority, this is not my objective, but we have to be based on the law .. In Brazil the law does not force children under 12 to wear masks but schools insist on breaking the law…
Fauci and His NIH Scientists Received $350 Million in Royalties From Big Pharma – RFK Jr.
“We can estimate over the last decade just how much money flowed from 3rd party payers, think pharmaceutical companies, back to NIH and its scientists.