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China Struggles to “Contain” COVID-19 Outbreak in Shanghai Despite Massive Lockdown of 25 Million People

China on Sunday (April 3) reported 13,146 new COVID-19 cases, as the country struggles to maintain its “zero-COVID” strategy.

The city of 25 million, which has been under lockdown for days, has registered 70% of the national infection caseload amid mass testing. Thousands are in state quarantine, while health workers are reportedly reaching the limits of their capacity.

However, the National Health Commission said in a statement that “no new deaths” had been reported despite many patients reportedly dying in recent days at a large Shanghai elderly-care hospital that is battling a COVID-19 outbreak

Lockdowns in some form or other have affected tens of millions of people living in China over the past month, leading to considerable economic disruption.

Shanghai residents in particular are growing angry, as the lockdown drags on, leading among other things to a shortage of fresh food. Many parents also live in fear that they may be separated from their children under strict quarantine regulations.

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