By Jessica Rose
She is 8 years old (and a fellow Scorpion like me!) and wants to be a police officer. She is feisty and intelligent. Like all Scopios. And she won’t go down without a fight. She got the Pfizer injection on January 6th, 2022. Now she’s in a wheelchair and wears Depends. She started having severe symptoms less than 1 week after the shot. COVID-19, to be precise. Neurological symptoms followed. Please watch her story here and thank you to all who made the documentary of her story possible.
Her story prompted me to try to find her in VAERS. I didn’t succeed. She was injected at a Walgreens so I assume they live in the United States. I found 1284 eight year olds, and 1251 (97.4%) of these were associated with the Pfizer products. Of these reports, 149 (12%) reports were made in the context of the Vax Lot FL0007.1 And of these, 81 were made for females (54.4%) and 12 (14.8%) were injected in January 2022. There was no report made for the 6th. So I kept looking around at the VAERS data… Read More