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Student Mocks Adults With Thank You Speech About Crazy COVID-19 Measures

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Naperville student Addison George unleashed on her school board Tuesday (Jan. 18), saying: “Thank you, school board and superintendent Bridges, for not using your power to push back on the state of Illinois about the mask mandate. We get to wear masks all day every day, now. Isn’t that great? Thank you for teaching students that our own mental health is much less important than making triple-vaccinated adults feel safe.”

“Thank you for teaching us that we should never question authority or think critically, but instead, we should follow whatever the people in charge tell us to do. Obedience is best. I realize now that thinking for yourself is overrated and not really necessary when you can just make decisions based on fear.”

“Thank you for teaching me that being a morally superior person only requires that I cover my face for eight hours a day and that the most morally superior people wear two masks or even three masks.”

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