Over the past two and a half decades, Robert O. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the World. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry and microbiology, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of “disease,” subsequently developing “The New Biology™” to help people balance their life.
In 1994, Dr. Young discovered the biological transformation of red blood cells into bacteria and bacteria to red blood cells. He has since documented several such transformations.
Part 1
The quick summary of the story is that Harvard scientist Dr. Charles Lieber was convicted yesterday on all six counts after lying to authorities about receiving millions of dollars from China as he shared his groundbreaking technology with a Wuhan technology institute.
Dr. Lieber is a genius-level scientist who specializes in exotic nanowire technology and how it interfaces with human neurology and biology. Some of his actual patent titles and numbers:
9,029,836 Controlled synthesis of monolithically-integrated graphene structure
10,369,255 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
9,595,685 Nanoscale wires, nanoscale wire FET devices, and nanotube-electronic hybrid devices for sensing and other applications
This technology allows for embedded AI systems to control nano-mesh lattices that interface with human neurology to both monitor and control human beings. This technology was being transferred to China.
Speculation is that nano-mesh lattices could be inserted into vaccines and once injected, they would self-assemble into neuralink-like computational interface systems that read and control human neurology.
The latest up-to-date findings have revealed that the main components of the Comirnaty (Pfizer-Biontech) vaccine consist of ingredients that are not approved for use in humans.
Manufacturers are companies specialized in “networking devices”.
The nano-lipids and nano-particles ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 can only be used for research purposes and are produced by technology companies – not pharmaceutical companies.
These are massive violations of the German Medicines Act – all persons involved in these vaccinations face a prison sentence of up to 10 years under Section 95 of the German Medicines Act!
🟥 Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law.
Author of the book “Corona Vaccination: What Doctors and Patients Absolutely Need to Know”.
Member of the Lawyers for Enlightenment
Dr Larry Palevsky has obtained a secret list of the ingredients of the childhood COVID shot.
The ingredients were found through bioresonance of the vile of the shot.
The majority of the material is nano technology, nanopowders and weaponized viruses.
Explanations from Dr Carrie Madej about mRNA vaccines.
Dr. Ariyana Love returns to the Stew Peters Show to expose her findings in the Moderna Vaccine patents, confirming the La Quinta graphine oxide study and the Globalist’s plan to install nano-censors in every human body that they can.
Read Dr. Andreas Noack who was raided by German authorities killed in cold blood
Technological parasitism: Electromagnetic-based wireless nano-sensor network
La Quinta Columna comments on a paper that talks about the construction of the nano-network that makes the inoculates generate MAC addresses.
You will see La Quinta Columna describe and show photographs of the quantum dot technology that is likely generating a Bluetooth MAC address in some people who have opted to receive Covid-jabs. Yes, nano-microchips are being injected into some people’s bodies, and the technology existed in 2013 (see below). This video is translated.
This nano-router technology exists and you can also download the English scientific paper about this quantum dot nano router hardware from 2013/4 at:
Dr. Pablo Campra / El Toro TV (GRAPHENE oxide in COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’)
MAC-cinated (Dr. Luis De Benito) https://www.bitchute.com/video/n9WKwLqsLqNl/ [SHARE]
Advance of REPORT on MAC ADDR
“Since the discovery of graphene oxide in coronavirus vaccines, all the findings and the discovery made only confirm its presence (Campra 2021). To date, we’ve also found evidence of more than reasonable indications of the existence of nanotubes, carbon nanoribbons, mesoporous spheres, colloidal nanoribbons…”
“Objects that shouldn’t be part of any vaccine and that aren’t declared among the components of the vaccines. Additionally, other types of objects have been identified and evidenced in images of blood samples from people vaccinated with coronavirus vaccines. Specifically, micronadators, crystallized graphene nanoantennas, and the famous graphene quantum dots, also known as GQD. On this occasion, analyzing one of the images obtained by Dr. Campra, I remember seeing this, corresponding to a sample of the Pfizer vaccine. See Figure 1, which is this one here, has discovered what’s most likely a nanorouter or part of its circuitry.
“This discovery is of fundamental relevance. Not only to understand the true purpose and components of coronavirus vaccines, but also to explain the existence of the phenomenon of MAC addresses visible through the Bluetooth of many mobile devices. Because nanorouters, then, will, like routers, broadcast visible MAC addresses in, in this case, Bluetooth wireless technology, as is being proven, as well. The context of the discovery is as follows. Before proceeding to the explanation of the finding, it’s worth recalling the context in which it is framed, to ensure its understanding and subsequent deepening. First of all, it should be borne in mind that graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes, form part of the components of vaccines, as has already been explained in this blog. The properties of graphene are exceptional from a physical, thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical, and magnetic point of view. Its characteristics allow it to be used as a superconductor.
It’s an electromagnetic wave absorbing material, a signal emitter-receiver, a quantum antenna which makes it possible to create advanced nano and micrometric scale electronics.”
“However, aside from all the benefits, the scientific literature is very clear about the health implications for the human body. It’s notorious that graphene, graphene oxide (GO), and other derivatives such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) are toxic in almost all their forms, causing mutagenesis (or cancer, chromosomal alteration), cell death, apoptosis, necrosis, the release of free radicals. And as a consequence of that, it increases toxicity rapidly in the lungs, favoring the cytokine storm that you know as bilateral pneumonia, genotoxicity, or DNA damage.”
Dr. Martín Monteverde announces that Sputnik and Sinopharm vials will be analyzed in Argentina
A few hours ago, Dr. Martín Monteverde was present in a new program of Dirección Correcta (Radio El Mirador del Gallo). In this new interview, Dr. Monteverde gave a small advance on the analysis of Sputnik and Sinopharm vials being carried out in Argentina. According to what he has reported, he’s certain that they also contain graphene oxide due to the effects they produce (magnetism, generation of thrombi, sudden deaths, among others).
Below, Orwell City brings the words of the Argentinean doctor into English.
Jorge Osorio: Doctor, without revealing details —I know that you’re much more advanced in the vials analyses in Argentina—, do you have any explanation for the magnetized arms? Do you have an explanation, for example, for when one turns on the Bluetooth and a series of long alphanumeric codes appear? Go ahead, doctor.
Dr. Martín Monteverde: Look, the only possible explanation is what La Quinta Columna hasn’t been presenting. And now, in the last two or three days, Dr. Campra’s finding was presented: the nanorouters. This totally confirms this issue of the Bluetooth codes, that a “device” is inserted. Read More
Damning evidence of self-assembling wireless nanosensor networks, WNSN — which is the actual terminology for actual nanocommunication networks developed over the past two decades by biotech scientists in both military and public-domain spheres to set up and build the Transhumanist vision of the Internet of Bio Nano Things, a stealth means of linking all sentient and human life digitally to the Internet,without human consent — has now been analyzed to exist in the crystalline and geometric Graphene Oxide specks found by a variety of means, including most recently, micro-Raman spectroscopy by Dr. Pablo Campra in the Pfizer and other vaccines.
For any vacced, use a 5G 60Ghz frequency-generator
and check for response⚠️
Some vaxxes are genocidal
while others are more sinister.
Patented tech indicates a 3-phase treatment for 5G-connected interface with read/write capability to peripheral nerves.
Phase 1 is the primer
it enables bonding to the nerves,
phase 2 (or 3) is the antenna📡 technology and the 3rd (or 2nd)
is the nano tech.
The “claim” is that it will restore function of prosthetic limbs, paralyses or other nerve loss.
On the other hand:
this 5G connected interface can also be used to control and read from the entire body and all its sensory functions, thus can feed a central computing system and be controlled by feed back also from a central computing system.
My suspicion should be clear, they are doing this for the latter function,
total control! ⛓
This is why they are trying to pass this off as a vaccine and force it on people.
You got to take every chance to
👉PROTECT () yourself
more Information: A / B (https://t.me/EMFPROTECT/56)
How the Graphene Oxide works once inside the body.
Nano technology does not need any electricity to run, as these nano particles are able to utilize the electrons which are located in our blood.
Using the 5G antennas they are able to command these smart particles to move anyhwere they want in the body.
#Graphineoxide #nanoparticles tiny little razor blades. pic.twitter.com/tOImowbUUg
— Gumby (@Gumby75250024) December 23, 2021
Not lead…..graphene oxide https://t.co/klbTCzM1q1
— MOMMASITA (@Mondexmommasita) December 23, 2021
Evidence of Nano Graphene Oxide (GO) Poisoning, Body & Brain: In COVID & Flu Vaccines, Chem Trails, Rainwater, Saline, Plushttps://t.co/IWzWWUWREz
— Coalition of the Obvious (@cotocrew) December 23, 2021
Check this one out. It’s a rare one… liquid crystals aka (Graphene Oxide).
— Dwight Bwell (@DwightBwell) December 22, 2021
Not the entire video, only a portion. You’ll have to search for the complete video as it’s production isn’t being made easy. Very disturbing information for sure 🧐 pic.twitter.com/F12kYk2Pyn
They’re desperate to get #GrapheneOxide into your system for their control grid. pic.twitter.com/muHyfaZCbJ
— Sulley Truman (@SulleyTruman) December 15, 2021
fuck @merck for their cancelling of #ivermectin that they used to manufacture and replacing it with this crap that also likely has #graphineoxide in the new pills too pic.twitter.com/AzTCN3kmRn
— mcm-ct.com (@mcm_ct) December 3, 2021
Inmiddels zijn er 11 artsen vermoord, de Duitse Andreas die onderzoek deed naar graphene oxide was de laatste.
— Don Tessers (@TessersDon) December 23, 2021
Nu deze arts Zelenko……breng hem in beeld…zodat de nazi Cabal weet dat wij op hem letten.https://t.co/DaycR3X6AH
@abdultaufiq1071 🗣️❗️Covid Vaccine nanoparticles like Sodium Azide, ALUMINUM & Graphene Oxide will get into your BRAIN🧠= Death☠️❗️ >https://t.co/8P2ut55qrv
— Ellis Washington (@EllisWashington) December 23, 2021
>Muslims becoming Christians by the MILLIONS! https://t.co/cuwGqk76tQ#DCActof1871#JesusIsLord
Now you know why experimentation on the citizens is illegal.
— Gumby (@Gumby75250024) December 23, 2021
You think it just happened in Japan?
Do you have this shit in you now? Or #GrapheneOxide ?
I strongly suggest independent autopsy of the vaxed who died. pic.twitter.com/ZDubesxHmB
Is this real?
— Dave Nestor (@DaveNestor22) December 18, 2021
Allegedly, a "Pfizer patent application for remote contact tracing of vaccinated humans via quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites, directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues." pic.twitter.com/v6yaK0JigO
[…] we published a video by La Quinta Columna showing the “nano-octopus” and other microparticles found in Covid […]
i’m a bit overwhelmed, all my children and grandchildren are vaccinated. Having said that thank you for having the courage to expose these things. The one tiny criticism I have for your report is that it was very fast, please slow down a bit we’re not all brainiacs. Dr Compra did it right by doing a scientific study on the vaccines and publishing it. Of course they fact checked him to death and found a weak link in his study, which was he received the vaccines by courier and so cannot prove that it wasn’t tampered with during that journey. Let the future researchers learn from that. God bless you all and keep you!