The U.S. government has taken the Patriot Act to a whole new draconian level. Under the guidance of Joe Biden’s handlers, the Department of Homeland Security is currently getting their chess pieces in place to treat anyone right of Rachel Maddow like Osama Bin Laden.
On Monday, DHS put out a bulletin declaring a “heightened threat environment” for terrorism. It’s not because we have hundreds of thousands of people flooding over the border every month. It’s not because Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been given permission to riot and loot almost at will. No, DHS says we’re in danger of terrorism because of “misinformation.” They say that “threat actors” are undermining trust in the government, and that’s the real reason to be worried about terrorism.
Biotech analyst Karen Kingston joined the Stew Peters Show on Wednesday, to share an even more shocking detail from this new draconian push. The DHS is also now considering those who question the safety of 5G to be too dangerous to live and breathe freely outside of the DC gulags. Worse, it appears the government is secretly testing the very theory they claim to be crazy: the radioactive impact of 5G telecommunications waves.