Special Christmas deal! Get 68% off of a 2-year plan and get 4 additional months free. Just go to https://nordvpn.org/sabine and use our coupon code sabine at checkout. You can support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sabine The two open letters by scientists are here: http://www.5gappeal.eu/about/ https://emfscientist.org/ The meta-review shown at 14 mins 39 secs is this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti… The article I quote at about 15 mins is this: https://spectrum.ieee.org/news-from-a… The WHO site I refer to at 15 mins 37 secs is here: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-det… You can join the chat about this video on Saturday (Dec 19) at noon Eastern Time/6pm CET here: https://talk.conversful.com/c?id=-MOg…
0:00 Intro
0:41 What is 5G?
3:44 What is electromagnetic radiation
6:28 What damage can electromagnetic radiation do?
9:20 Frequency vs Power
12:01 Back to 5G: What’s the problem?
14:05 What is known about mm waves?
16:28 Sponsor Message