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3230 Dead Babies in VAERS equal to 16.24% of The All VAERS Deaths After Covid shots

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3230 VAERS jab fetal death / 19886 VAERS jab non-fetal deaths *100 = 16.24%
Does the 16% Vaccine death rate from VAERS outweighs the 0.0some% “Covid-19” risks to unborn?

Here in the U.S., the latest update to the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) happened in VAERS following COVID-19 shots for the past year (source), which is more fetal deaths following ALL vaccines for the past 31 years (source).

So why do women continue to believe the health “authorities” that these shots are safe when all these unborn babies are dying in record numbers?


★946,461 VAERS adverse jab events ★3,230 VAERS jab fetal deaths ★19,886 VAERS jab non-fetal deaths

Vaers Covid Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

Even the Data load on 2021 is Higher than pass 3 DACADES COMBINED

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