EU countries are seeing resistance to inoculate kids
The European Medicines Agency has approved the use of Pfizer-BioNTech’s lower-dose vaccine for use in children age 5-11, however many EU countries are seeing resistance to inoculating kids.
In the Netherlands, which has much of its adult population vaccinated, nearly 42% of parents surveyed said they wouldn’t have their children jabbed against Covid. (Reuters)
Nearly two-thirds of respondents in Italy backed vaccinations, but that number plummeted to just 40% among parents with kids aged 5-12.
Will children be denied basic rights if they aren’t fully vaccinated?
US seeing resistance to inoculate kids
We are seeing a 70% drop in US children vaccination rate among 5-11 age group. When we compare November 15th to Dec 5th as omicron discovery sheds further uncertainty of covid-19 vaccine effectiveness. Benefits don’t outweigh the risks due to safety & unknown long term side effects
Half of US parents oppose vaccinating their kids against covid-19. While a majority of US parents are hesitating to inoculate children when we consider that only 16.7% of the children have received at least one dose of covid 19 vaccine as of Dec 5, 2021.
Its a force vaccination campaign when we consider that Covid-19 Children vaccination campaign is similar to adult vaccination which is based on the principles of stripping basic rights away from children under the name of incentive.
Kids 5-11 now need proof of vaccine to dine out, see movies in NYC
New York Post – New provisions to New York City’s indoor COVID-19 vaccine mandate take effect Tuesday, including the expansion of the requirement to children who are eligible to receive a shot.
As Mayor Bill de Blasio previously announced, kids ages 5 to 11 must now show proof of one coronavirus vaccination dose to eat indoors at a restaurant, see a show, go to a movie theater, attend a party venue like Chuck E. Cheese or enter a fitness facility, or any other indoor entertainment venues. read more
Large majority of Canadian parents not getting kids vaxxed
Canadian parents appear to so far steering their children away from COVID-19 vaccinations, says Blacklock’s Reporter.
Four-fifths of parents of elementary school-age children newly eligible for COVID-19 shots have declined vaccination. Read More
Australia seeing resistance to inoculate kids
Reignite Democracy Australia channel with 73,000 subscribes shows 21,000 votes on telegram as Australian Parents rejecting mandatory Covid-19 vaccine for children
Suicide rates up among children in Australia
Whistleblower – 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔, 𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔…
This verified Australian emergency department doctor is so upset by the quantity and type of vaccine injuries he’s witnessed professionally, he’s risking his career by breaking the regulator’s imposed censorship of concerns.
He has an urgent message for all parents, other doctors, and politicians with a duty of care.
Win Back Australia channel posted on telegram
They are force injecting thousands of children in Queensland against their parents will. Even if the children live with the parents the qld government is forcibly removing them and jabbing them with this poison.
Any qld child that has a family working with child safety from slightest of issues to children in care. Parents have no choice. They are coming and forcibly jabbing these vulnerable children.
Something must be done now!!!!
1639560283016_1639559989239_COVID-message-15-Dec-1New Study finds the Covid-19 Vaccine is to blame for 98% of cases of Myocarditis among Children
The American Heart Association has published a new study which has found that 98% of all cases of Myocarditis among children are due to the mRNA Covid-19 injections.
The Expose – The new study was conducted by dozens of doctors and scientists from several Universities, Children’s Hospitals, and Schools of Medicine across the USA and was published on the American Heart Association’s (AHA) journal ‘Circulation’ on December 6th 2021.
The researchers investigated 139 children and young adults with 140 episodes of suspected myocarditis, of which 49 were confirmed and 91 were probable. Most of the patients were male (126) and the median age was 15.8 years.
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, whereas pericarditis is inflammation of the protective sacs surrounding the heart. Both are extremely serious conditions due to the vital role the heart plays in keeping a person alive, and the fact that the heart muscle cannot regenerate. Serious myocarditis can lead to cardiac arrest and knock years off a persons life.
Results shows that suspected myocarditis occurred in 136 of the patients equating to 98% of all cases of myocarditis. The Pfizer injection was responsible for 131 (94%) of these cases, with 128 (92% occurring after the second dose.
The researchers state in their findings that the most common symptom was chest pain, occurring in 99% of the patients, and that 26 patients (19%) were admitted to intensive care because of the condition.
According to a recent update published by the UK Medicine Regulator the MHRA, as of 17 Nov 21, there had been 686 cases of myocarditis, and 578 cases of pericarditis reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections. This is among the 18,354 cardiac disorders reported with 290 fatalities.
However, it is known that there is gross underreporting of adverse reactions with the MHRA previously stating just 10% of adverse reactions are reported.
On 29 Nov 21, the UK Health Security Agency (“UKHSA”) recognised cardiac disorders are a risk of Covid injections. UKHSA issued clinical guidance to support the detection and management of clinical cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with Covid injections. In particular for children and people aged under 40.
The first section of UKHSA’s clinical advice – “Background” – lists some important points. The fifth being that a high percentage of children admitted to hospital are suffering myocarditis.
On Dec 14 Technology News reported –
Fifth student dies after receiving Pfizer vaccine shot in Vietnam
A high school student of Quang Tri province has died after receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine shot, becoming the fifth child victim of vaccinations in Vietnam.
N.T.N.N, 17, was inoculated at a vaccination site in Trieu Phong district on December 2, said Vo Thanh Tam, director of the Trieu Phong District Medical Centre.
During the earlier screening process, N. said that she was allergic to antibiotics, but her family encouraged her to be vaccinated.
25 minutes after the injection, the female student showed signs of shock, anaphylaxis, and low blood pressure.
Read More
Inventor of mRNA vaccine that Pfizer and Moderna administers; Dr. Robert Malone encourages parents not to get their kids vaccinated
My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I’m generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
Before you inject your child – a decision that is irreversible – I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:
There are three issues parents need to understand:
● The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including
○ Their brain and nervous system
○ Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
○ Their reproductive system
○ And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system
● The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
○ You can’t fix the lesions within their brain
○ You can’t repair heart tissue scarring
○ You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system, and
○ This vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family
● The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested.
○ We need at least 5 years of testing/research before we can really understand the risks
○ Harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later
● Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history
● One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie.
○ Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents
○ It’s actually the opposite. Their immunity, after getting COVID, is critical to save your family if not the world from this disease
In summary: there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.
The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.
As a parent and grandparent, my recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.