The World Economic Forum recently published a new 46-page report detailing its Orwellian plan to control pretty much everything in your life. The report, called Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries describes a digital ID system that would collect personal data about your online behavior, purchase history, network usage, medical history, travel history, energy uses, health stats, and more. This data would then be used to determine who could open bank accounts, conduct financial transactions, access insurance, health care treatment, book trips, cross borders, and more.
On the “Glenn Beck Radio Program,” Glenn breaks down the dirty details of this ID system and warns listeners to stop believing that terrifying proposals like this one are beyond the realm of possibilities.
“Look at what’s happened in the last few months alone,” Glenn says. “Nothing is beyond the realm of possibilities anymore.”
Watch the video clip below to hear Glenn break it all down. Can’t watch? Download the podcast here.
This was the reason for the Vaccine Passport, to warm you up and integrate for Full Digital ID all under the guise of your Safety.