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Watch Vaccine Injured Pilot talk about Crushing Chest Pains Among Pilots as 4,000 flights cancel due to Mass Pilot Absences Last Weekend

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American pilot Greg Pearson, who became injured after receiving the COVID vaccine, recently revealed a shocking truth in a interview with Real America’s Voice.

Pearson said that ‘vaccinated pilots are a flight risk’ as some are going to work with “crushing pains in their chests and heads.”

His revelation comes after US Army whistleblower Theresa Long testified late last year that she had to ground three out of three pilots in one morning due to vaccine injuries.

earson got the COVID shot against his better judgment because of an employer mandate. He was forced to go to the emergency room shortly after as his heart began pounding ‘out of his chest’.

“I went to the ER where they quickly hooked me up to EKG IVs, did blood work quickly and determined that I was in atrial fibrillation. It’s the major cause of stroke.

I could have stroked out at 100 feet while trying to land an airplane. I could have just pushed down on that stick before the person next to me could do anything. [Then] it’s all over for a lot of people.

What Pearson then revealed was truly shocking, saying that he knows of several active pilots who are injured by the jab but stay quiet out of fear of losing their jobs:

“There’s a number of pilots out there who are fearful to come forward and speak… They are fearful of retribution.

There are guys that are going to work with crushing pains in their chests and their heads.

They’re scared that they’re going to lose their careers.

Leaked Airline Memos: Majority Of Employees With Omicron Are Vaxxed, Healthy Pilots Offered More Pay To Cover Shifts

On Monday, The Daily Wire’s “Morning Wire” podcast revealed that in wake of massive absences due to COVID-19, major airlines such as United and Spirit Airlines are reportedly offering employees more pay to help cover shifts for colleagues out of commission due to the illness. In a memo obtained by The Daily Wire, United specifically cited Omicron as having caused a “significant” increase in pilot illness, making the higher pay necessary to keep flights on track. Despite the airline industry being heavily vaccinated, the Omicron variant has caused an uptick in COVID-19 absences.

As the Morning Wire reported, more than 4,000 flights were canceled just this past weekend. While a massive storm in Chicago was partly to blame, it appears the main driver has been amongst pilots.

United Airlines’ CEO Scott Kirby had previously stated that the company had been forced to fire “just six of its 13,000-strong pilot group” who did not get the vaccine despite a company mandate.

Business Insider reported:

…Kirby said about 200 employees were terminated because they failed to get the COVID-19 vaccine, six of which were pilots, reported Reuters. Moreover, 80 pilots who received a medical or religious exemption were put on unpaid leave.

The firings represent less than 1% of the company’s 67,000-employee workforce, with most employees choosing to get the shot before the September 27 deadline. 

Likewise, Delta has bragged that more than 90% of its 80,000 employees are vaccinated. Yet, a Delta memo recently acknowledged that when it comes to “confirmed Omicron cases, including those among airline workers, the majority are occurring in fully-vaccinated individuals,” according to the Morning Wire’s Georgia Howe.

“Not only is omicron making more vaccinated employees sick vs. the unvaccinated, but putting those unvaccinated employees on the street without pay means the airline doesn’t have much wiggle room when their schedules start to fall apart,” Jason Kunisch, co-founder of U.S. Freedom Flyers and a pilot for a major airline told the Morning Wire.

As The Daily Wire’s John Bickley observed, COVID-19 was called the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” just a short while ago but that term may now be obsolete given the latest news.

One of the more long-lasting ramifications of the pandemic, according to a report from “Airlines for America,” has been an increase in the use of technology in the airport.

“COVID-19 has brought about an acceleration of digital competency across demographic cohorts,” the report noted. “We have a lot of different people who fly through the airport. We are constantly thinking about the experience we present to them. And if people have become more technology savvy, more  digitally competent, that means we can accelerate and roll out the contactless passenger  journey across many platforms — and there will be an acceptance of and a desire for them.”

For now, though, the industry’s only recourse might be to offer more pay to those who can work, such as Spirit Airlines offering flight attendants double pay to pick up extra flights this January.

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3 years ago

RIP Pilots, your job is not worth your life. Especially if you done it for 12 or more years and put away some good savings. There is no way back from the mutagen, refuse & let them fire you, then sue them. This IS the time to use your smarts and do what’s right for YOURSELF nobody else. Can’t feed your family if you’re dead. But you can find pilot jobs outside major airlines. Or jobs outside piloting.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cyberat
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