Congratulations are in order: the pandemic among the unvaccinated Brits is just about over. Only 394 vaccine-free people died in weeks 5-8, compared to 3,527 vaccinated deaths. This means that vaccine-free Brits comprised only 10% of all COVID deaths during weeks 5-8.

The Covid World – Comparing current weeks 5-8 to weeks 1-4: Unvaccinated deaths went down from 1,007 deaths in weeks 1-4 to just 394 deaths in weeks 5-8 — a drop of 61%.
However, for the same periods, boosted deaths went from 2,585 in weeks 1-4, to 2,704 in weeks 5-8 — an INCREASE of 5%. This increase, as the picture below shows, is NOT because so many more people became boosted in weeks 4-8:

Mind you, “cases” in the UK were rapidly falling since Week 1 in early January. The increase in deaths in the boosted population is because the booster effectiveness waned and these people ended up with “negative” protection against getting sick. More on the negative protection later.
I have long run out of adjectives to describe the abysmal performance of the COVID vaccines at preventing people from getting COVID.
But compared to the previous UK report, things have gotten even worse. Boosted, per 100,000 people, have MORE THAN THREE TIMES the rate of illness, compared to the unvaccinated.

Since many people are confused, let me dispel with the objection “but of course, more vaccinated people get sick, since most people are vaccinated”. Please note that the above case rates are per 100,000 people (whether boosted or unvaccinated), and therefore they properly account for the number of people involved.
For example, if you pick 100,000 40-49 year old boosted Brits, they would have 2,760 cases in weeks 5-8 among those. Whereas, 100,000 unvaccinated Brits, would only have 817 cases. This is a 3.38 times difference that is unfavorable to the boosted population.

To make it clear: Boosting still provides protection from dying, to the boosted, so that boosted Brits die LESS often than unvaccinated Brits.

However, as has been the case for the last several weeks, the extent of this protection drops by several percentage points every week. I keep track of changes in protection and here’s the data for the last week and several previous weeks:

As you can see, for example, that “death protection” for 60-69-year-olds dropped by 14%, from 71% to 57%. The worst is, unfortunately, for the most frequently dying group, the 80+ year-olds, where booster protection dropped below 50% for the first time! The “death protection” among them is only 48%. This is very unfortunate, as the 80+ year-olds are our beloved grandparents who are most vulnerable — needing most protection — and are instead the least protected.
Hybrid Immunity
Clever vaccinators invented a new term called “Hybrid immunity”. According to proponents of this stupid idea, people who were inoculated with the COVID vaccine, and then contracted COVID, are now the lucky beneficiaries of “Hybrid Immunity”. Oddly enough, their “vaccine immunity” did not work and they got COVID. But, somehow, the vaccinators say that the vaccinated COVID-recovered are benefitting from both immune challenges, the vaccine and their breakthrough COVID.
If the vaccine immunity was any good, would the vaxxed get COVID? Of course not. So why is that a benefit?
Here’s a typical “Hybrid Immune” vaccinated person who got reinfected with COVID 4 months later:

Is this person now “double hybrid immune”, having had two shots of vaccine and TWO COVID infections? Will this person be even more immune after their third COVID infection? Are you kidding me?
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