Freedom First Network – How do we know mainstream media will cancel all mentions of the nation of Gibraltar for the foreseeable future? Because their extreme Covid vaccination protocols have utterly failed to prevent a massive spike in cases and hospitalizations. This betrays the narrative they’ve been ordered to propagate, so Gibraltar is officially a taboo topic for the press.
The nation averages 2.79 doses of Covid-19 jabs administered per person.
Gibraltar 🇬🇮 is the most vaccinated place on Earth (100% of population fully vaccinated)
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 16, 2021
Current status 👇
Despite everything we’ve been told by government, media, Big Tech, academia, the healthcare industry, and all the other pawns of Big Pharma, Gibraltar has not defeated or even slowed Covid-19 from spreading. In fact, they may be a shining example demonstrating the theory that the so-called “vaccines” actually aid in the spread of the disease. Now, they’re officially recommending against celebrating Christmas with friends and family.
According to Express:
While the government has called upon the public to “exercise their own judgement”, they have “strongly” advised against any social events for at least the next four weeks, discouraging people from holding private Christmas events. Gibraltar has seen a steady increase in active cases of COVID-19 throughout October and November, which has gained pace over the past few days.
Health Minister, the Hon Samantha Sacramento, described the increase in case numbers as “drastic”, encouraging people to come forward to receive their booster vaccine. The government has advised members of the public to wear masks, avoid large gatherings and maintain social distancing.
They also advised people to “conduct themselves in a cautious and sensible manner”, reminding the public that “we are still in a global pandemic and that people are losing their lives every day all over the world.”
Gibraltar has seen a steady increase in active cases of #COVID19 recently, which has gained pace over the past few days.
— (@disclosetv) November 16, 2021
In a sane world, this new development would prompt an immediate halt to the jabs and a reevaluation of the protocols being put into place by the government. But as we’ve grown accustomed to admitting in the last two years, this is no longer a sane world. Rational thought has been replaced by adherence to Pandemic Panic Theater. As a result, the government of Gibraltar is doubling down on calls to get the new savior for the failed jabs: Booster shots.
Express continued:
Health Minister, the Hon Samantha Sacramento, said, “The drastic increase in the numbers of people testing positive for COVID-19 in recent days is a stark reminder that the virus is still very prevalent in our community and that it is the responsibility of us all to take every reasonable precaution to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
“The vaccination programme for 12 to 15-year-olds and the booster vaccination programme are now underway, and Gibraltar received 4680 more doses this week. Everyone who is eligible for a vaccine or a booster is strongly encouraged to take up the offer when they are called.”
In a statement released by the Gibraltar government, a spokesperson said: “Given the exponential rise in the number of cases, the Government, for example, intends to cancel a number of its own functions including official Christmas parties, official receptions and similar gatherings.
Logic and freedom have been replaced by illogic and tyranny. Far too many “leaders” have embraced the wisdom of Winston Churchill who said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Rather than acknowledge they were wrong the whole time, the leaders of the world have decided its politically expedient to pretend like their latest solution will solve the problem their previous solution failed to do. To backtrack now would be embarrassing and could cost them their jobs, so they’re sticking to the universal vaccination agenda no matter what hell it puts us all through.