In a PBS Newshour segment which aired on Feb. 17th, 2022, titled “Disinformation abounds in the wellness community. How one anti-vax influencer broke free,” PBS reporter Stephanie Sy accused founder Sayer Ji, and two of his colleagues, of spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Published on Sat, Feb 26 2022
The defamatory accusations include a recycled statement from a document posted by an organization calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) titled, “The Disinformation Dozen,” which makes the baseless claim that only 12 people are responsible for “some 65 percent of all vaccine disinformation spread online.” This accusation was revealed to be false back on August 18th, 2021, when Facebook’s VP of Content Policy published an official statement revealing that CCDH had built a “faulty narrative” “without evidence,” and that, in fact, only .05% of vaccine content could be traced back to the 12 individuals listed in CCDH’s report. You can read about Facebook’s underreported correction in greater depth here.
The PBS News Hour segment also made the following statement about the so-called “Disinformation Dozen”:
“They include Dr. Joseph Mercola, who peddles dietary supplements to his 3.6 million followers, and has claimed that hydrogen peroxide can cure COVID-19, Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopath physician who claims that wearing a mask has negative health effects, and Sayer Ji, who runs a popular alternative health Web site and shares false claims, like that the Pfizer vaccine has killed more elderly people than COVID-19.”
Nowhere is their report referenced or backed up with any evidence that Sayer Ji made this statement.
This is not our first encounter with Hit Piece ‘Journalism’ from so-called ‘Public Broadcaster’ secretly funded by corporations with vested interests.
On May 12th, 2021, NPR reporter Geoff Brumfiel wrote a somewhat denigrating piece about GreenMedInfo and it’s founder. Thankfully, Sayer cross-interviewed him and asked him about the conflicts of interest operative both within NPR (who has been funded by the Gates Foundation and by the pharmaceutical lobby) and his inquisition like approach. You can watch the full NPR cross-interview here.
PBS’s latest propaganda piece is, unfortunately, only one of thousands thathave been published worldwide and can all be tracked back to the factually untrue and highly defamatory document and digital hitlist published by CCDH two years ago. Not one of these media outlets has published any correction or apology, even though these lies have carried themselves all the way through and up the corridors of power to a Congressional hearing in March of 2021 where the CEOs of Facebook, Google, and Twitter were told to deplatform the ‘disinfo dozen,’ and all the way up to the president himself, who stated on July 12th 2021 that 12 people alone are responsible for the majority of misinformation on Facebook that is “killing people.”
Similarly, NPR, while enjoying the #1 trusted position in media today (according to the statistics they publish to potential advertisers), and who state on their website, “Public service journalism is for and about all people-no matter where they live, who they are or what they believe. “No matter what they believe,’ is notoriously willing to accept massive capital infusions from NGOs like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, to fund “expanded coverage on Global Health and Development” (i.e. mass vaccine programs and propaganda).
Now where does PBS stand? PBS has relinquished it’s original mission of remaining independent from vested interests with a history of receiving large amounts of money from self interested billionaires as well as working with a variety of pharmaceutical companies, such as Merck and Pfizer, who advertise and influence their content.
But they have also accepted funding from the Gates Foundation and Since 2008, the News Hour has been on the doll:
For greater insight into the influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation on worldwide media, read the article published by Children’s Health Defense titled, “Conflict of Interest? Bill Gates Gave $319 Million to Major Media Outlets, Documents Reveal.”
Greenmedinfo has been completely deplatformed due to hit pieces like this funded by corporations with a vested interest in the current agenda, losing contact with over 2 million of our social media followers over the past two years. So make sure you subscribe to the GreenMedInfo newsletter and share this with your friends and family. Together are voices will be heard!
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