A member of America’s Frontline Doctors, McDonald has been outspoken and has gained a whole new batch of enemies—and friends. He put his message in one place, a new book titled, United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis. He sat down with me to discuss how to see through the lies and take back your life.
In this Episode You Will Learn
- How the media have suppressed news reports of domestic abuse, violence, and drug use since the Spring 2020 lockdowns
- Proof that Covid 19 is more than an accidental crisis or mishandled health policy, but something involving literal evil
- How to see through the “fear porn” and recognize media-induced compliance to tyranny
- Why about 80% of doctors are useless in this fight for freedom and informed medical consent
- How wussified, emasculated men enable and promote this manmade crisis
- The psychological reason behind the rise of the Karens
- How Covid-19 fits a striking pattern of ginned up “pandemics” since World War II.
Resources Mentioned
- United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, by Mark McDonald, MD
- McDonald’s clinical practice website