By shared by Kristina Lee
It’s been understood for a very long time that acquired immunity – the immunity to a virus that we obtain from recovering after being infected with said virus – is often robust and long lasting.
Studies in regard to Covid-19 have also shown that this is the case in regard to the coronavirus.
A recent preprint in the scientific journal Cell found that a longitudinal analysis showed “durable and broad immune memory” after an infection with Covid-19 “with persisting antibody responses and memory B and T cells”. Moreover, they took aim at the “notion” that immunity conferred after recovery from Covid-19 might be short-lived, saying that the investigation showed the generation of long-lived plasma cells and “refute the current notion that these antibody responses to human coronaviruses are short lived.”
A review of studies of immunity after infection published in the Lancet this month found that reinfection with Covid-19 after recovery from previous infection was very low – with studies suggesting it at between 0 and 1%. After data from Israel, then one of the most vaccinated countries in the world was examined, Science reported in August that “never-infected” people who were vaccinated were “six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus.”
While urging caution and emphasising that vaccines reduced the harm caused by the virus, including hospitalisations and deaths, Science reported that “in one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher” in contrast to those who had natural immunity.
Hell of a week.
— The Last True Gael 😀 (@LastGael) November 20, 2021
NPHET admit natural immunity is permanent.
UK government admit that the 10-59 vaccinated are 2-4 times likely to die than the unvaccinated.
HSPC admit in the past week that every single Covid death came from a vaccinated person.
And yet the clownshow continues.
Now, it seems that NPHET might be acknowledging that Covid immunity after infection is permanent, at least according to scenarios modeled by the team tweeted by Professor Philip Nolan who has been the chair of NPHET’s Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group since March 2020.
In considering an optimistic scenario for Covid -19 Public Health Advice, the slide states that “infection-induced immunity is permanent”.

This seems to contradict the advice of HIQA and NPHET that “the period of presumptive Covid-19 immunity is nine months post-infection.” Currently advises that a Covid Recovery Cert is only valid for 6 months after infection.
Prof Nolan’s tweet does also bring some recent findings back into the spotlight.
Ireland, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, also has one of the highest rates of Covid-19 infection. There has been some speculation that the reason other countries such as the UK and Sweden which previously had a high rate of infection but are not now seeing the same rise in cases might now be benefiting from natural immunity as well as vaccination.
In Ireland, a leading immunologist, Paul Moynagh, recently posited that Belmullet in Co Mayo may have gone from being ‘one of the most Covid-infected places in the State to the least’ was likely due to “significant levels of immunity from natural infection”.
Similarly, at the beginning of November a Waterford GP, who also strongly urged vaccination, said the city was enduring the worst level of Covid-19 in the country because low levels of previous infections meant “very few people in Waterford” would have “the natural immunity one would get from people having contracted Covid-19”. He added that this meant: “Therefore, it was fertile soil for Delta to spread once it arrives,” he told the Irish Times.
In October, an advisor to NPHET, Cathal Walsh, told the Business Post that ‘Ireland’s immunity to Covid-19 will naturally improve over time as younger people and unvaccinated adults boost their antibodies by virtue of catching the virus’.
It seems that the current limitations on Covid Recovery Certs need to be revisited. The public are not best served when the authorities ignore the science.
The chief medical officer (CMO) Dr Tony Holohan is not expecting to recommend additional restrictions after the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) meets this Thursday#EamonRyan #TonyHolohanDoctor #Health #IrishNews
— H24 News Ireland (@h24news_ie) November 24, 2021
Time to bring back journalists of the calibre of Vincent Browne to NPHET press conferences. We have an ensemble of Trumpet Players who trumpet & repeat whatever narrative Govt decide on the day & not one hard question asked regarding failures to insulate ICU & health #NPHET
— Politics Watch (@PoliticsWatch14) November 22, 2021
Ireland: ah now NPHET don’t be scaring the bejaysus out of people
— Alan Kelly (@akellyucc) November 23, 2021
German health minister:
What the advisor to nphet stated at the end of this article is basically advocated for in the great Barrington declaration and an obvious thing that would have played out had we not locked down. Lockdown has actually slowed people getting longer lasting immunity.
— Lee Mc Donald (@McDaddy99) November 22, 2021
What the Irish Government & NPHET are doing to the Hospitality sector at the moment is disgraceful.
— Philip O'Reilly (@philthrill69) November 24, 2021
They're basically terrifying fully Vaccinated elderly, vulnerable & fragile cohorts into cancelling Christmas plans which forces establishments to cancel events but no PUP paid out
I think the government don't want a lockdown because its like admitting failure. My thinking is they will ignore nphet advice and bring in more restrictions until its too late then they have to go into some form of lockdown. I think restrictions start of December to start.
— JJ Sheridan (@shero80) November 24, 2021
NPHET are you deaf or are you deliberate?
— Willie Wixted (@WixtedWillie) November 22, 2021
So can anyone in the media, NPHET or the Regime explain exactly how did India get over their 'Delta wave' so quickly considering only about 10% of their population was vaccinated at the time?
— KB (@halftwottered) November 15, 2021
What @LeoVaradkar is saying here is quite similar to what @PhilipNolan_MU and #NPHET were saying at the end of September (as they dismantled testing/tracing in schools)…
— Ronan Madigan (@ronanmadigan) November 23, 2021
That didn’t end well…#COVID19 #COVID19ireland #Covid_19 #coronavirus #DeltaVariant #TonightVMTV #rtept
It's amazing antigen tests have been used in Larry Goodman's meat factories for months now to keep them open and making the big profits, NPHET have no problem with it either, but when it comes to the public a big delay
— @mdmak33 (@mdmak33) November 23, 2021