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Canadian teacher forced to leave in tears over vaccine mandate

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a Candian teacher named Marlene Brod, who has been teaching students for almost 35 years, leaving her school after allegedly being fired for refusing to get a COVID-19 rapid test as required by the district.

Brod tearfully broke down when asked why she was leaving the school early on Thursday

“How long have you worked at this school for?” the unidentified woman asked.

“More years…” Brod started before breaking into tears.

“Because you were a teacher and now you stick around because you love the kids so much…” the interviewer remarked.

Brod, crying, removed her mask and was struggling to find the right words to answer.

“And what school district is this?” the woman asked Brod.

She responded with the name of the school district but it was not understandable in the video. The elderly woman was clearly devastated after being terminated over refusing COVID testing and her heart was broken.

“You can say you’ve worked here for 20, 30 plus years?” the interviewer asked her.

“Thirty-plus, getting close to 35. Yeah, but the point they’re making’s in, my time is done,” she sadly stated.

“We’re very sorry,” the woman told her.

With tears streaming down her face, the teacher said, “thank you.”

People were angered and saddened that this teacher was treated so badly by a school she had given her life to, only to be torn away from her students all because she would not get a COVID test.

Comments on Reddit were telling.

One commenter stated, “I’m scared of the country my children are growing up in. Never would have believed this.”

Another said, “I don’t know this woman but I love her. I can tell her kids will miss her very much.”

“We love you mrs.brod. thank you for your service to the children in this world. would have been lucky to have a teacher like you. stay strong❤️,” one Reddit commenter remarked.

“Hey, but think of the tears of joy in some Canadian bureaucrat who got to fire her, the rush of pleasure he experienced destroying her life and ignoring her cries. I’d guess ordinarily they rarely get to fire teachers, so the covid shot is finally letting multiple little tin-pot dictators feel a little more dictatorial,” another angrily posited.

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