France – Paris [Mar 19, 2022]
19.03.22 #NoPass Paris France .. Demonstration against Emmanuel Macron’s policy and to pay tribute to Nejeh Ben Farhat, an early yellow vest who died this week.. sent by Maroc On line
🇫🇷 #Bretagne (03/19/22) Another convoy of tractors, public works trucks, taxis, ambulances… which was in snail operation on the RN165 arrived at midday at the Géant roundabout in Lanester
19.03.22 #NoGreenPass Bologna Italy
🇮🇹 Italy Olbia, still protests in port: taxi drivers join in protest
🇮🇹 Italy – Padova [Mar 19, 2022]
🇫🇷 Demonstration of bikers in Rouen
🇫🇮 Finland – Helsinki [Mar 19, 2022]

Tokyo [march 19]
New York today
“Burn the masks”
In New York, children under 5 in many schools still have to wear masks
Joe Allen’s restaurant in NYC. Activists attempt to order food and were refused service due to them not being vaccinated. The restaurant called the NYPD to remove them.
Brilliant crowd out here in Norfolk saying NO to jabs for 5 to 11 year olds!
19.03.22 Dublin Ireland
Hollabrun Austria 🇦🇹 Anti Mandatory VAX, Anti Everything 💣🔥👊
🇦🇹 19.03. Bregenz Austria Freedom Fighters
19.03.22 #Freiheit Hollabrunn Austria sent by Ignaz Bearth
🇩🇪 20.03. Dresden
🇩🇪 20.03. Regensburg
🇩🇪 20.03. Rosenheim
20.03. Schleusingen
SEE MORE videos from Germany here