Covid-19 Deaths are beginning to rise again across Italy despite millions now being triple vaccinated, and the latest official Italian Government data shows that the vaccinated population account for 7 in every 10 of those deaths, as well as 8 in every 10 cases and hospitalisations, and 7 in every 10 ICU admissions.
Italy’s National Institute of Health publishes a periodic Covid-19 Surveillance report, the latest of which can be accessed here, or the full list of which can be accessed here.
The Expose – In the latest report, data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths can be found in tables 4a, 4b and 4c on pages 26, 27 and 28.
The following table has been collated from the data found in Table 4A in the ‘Diagnosi tra 25/02/2022 – 27/03/2022’ section and shows the total number of cases across Italy by vaccination status –
In all, between 25th Feb and 27th March 22, Italy recorded 1,594,849 Covid-19 infections, and an astounding 1,284,615 of these were among the vaccinated population, meaning the vaccinated accounted for 81% of all Covid-19 cases within one month.
The unvaccinated accounted for just 310,234 cases, the one-dose vaccinated accounted for 36,199 cases, the two dose vaccinated accounted for 329,016 cases, and the triple vaccinated accounted for a shocking 919,400 cases. This means the triple vaccinated alone accounted for 58% of all Covid-19 cases across Italy between 25th Feb and 27th March 22.
The following table has been collated from the data found in Table 4B in the ‘Diagnosi tra 11/02/22 – 13/03/22 con ospedalizzazione’ section and shows the total number of hospitalisations across Italy by vaccination status –
In these 4 weeks, Italy suffered a grand total of 17,536 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and a shocking 13,372 of them were among the vaccinated. This means the vaccinated accounted for 76% of all Covid-19 hospitalisations between 11th Feb and 13th March 22.
The unvaccinated accounted for 4,164 hospitalisations, the partly vaccinated accounted for 672 hospitalisations, the fully vaccinated accounted for 3,262 hospitalisations, and the booster vaccinated accounted for 9,438 hospitalisations. This means the triple jabbed alone accounted for 54% of all Covid-19 hospitalisations across Italy between 11th Feba nd 13th March 2022.
The following table has been collated from the data found in Table 4B in the ‘Diagnosi tra 11/02/22 – 13/03/22 con ricovero in TI’ section and shows the total number of Covid-19 ICU admissions across Italy by vaccination status –
In these four weeks, 907 people were unfortunately admitted to ICU with Covid-19, but what’s even more unfortunate than that is 70% of them were considered vaccinated, with 635 ICU admissions recorded among the vaccinated population as a whole.
The unvaccinated suffered 272 ICU admissions, the partly vaccinated suffered 40 ICU admissions, the fully vaccinated suffered 157 ICU admissions, and the triple vaccinated suffered 438 ICU admissions. This means the triple vaccinated alone accounted for 48% of all Covid-19 ICU admissions between 11th Feb and 13th March 2022.
The following table has been collated from the data found in Table 4C in the ‘Diagnosi tra 11/02/22 – 13/03/22 con decesso’ section, and shows the total number of Covid-19 deaths across Italy by vaccination status –
Italy sadly recorded 3,798 deaths between 4th Feb and 6th March 2022, and 2,649 of those deaths were among the vaccinated population, meaning they accounted for 70% of all deaths over these four weeks.
The unvaccinated population accounted fo 1,149 deaths, the partly vaccinated accounted for 160 deaths, the fully vaccinated accounted for 801 deaths, and the booster vaccinated accounted for 1,688 deaths. This means the triple jabbed alone accounted for 44.4% of all Covid-19 deaths between 4th Feb and 6th March 2022.
According to Italy’s National Institute of Health, the vaccinated population currently account for 8 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, 8 in every 10 hospitalisations, 7 in every 10 ICU admissions and 7 in every 10 deaths.
Unfortunately this terrible data doesn’t look like ending anytime soon either because the latest figures show deaths are beginning to rise again across Italy.
The question is whether it will be the vaccinated or the unvaccinated who account for the majority of those deaths. Sadly, we will find out in the weeks to come.