Italy as of March 26, 2022
Bologna, Italy

Rome, Italy
Rome Italy 26.03.22 NoGreenPass .. ‘Let’s fire Draghi’: Alternative takes to the streets in Rome against the Government. Demonstration in Piazza SS Apostoli organized by former M5s parliamentarians. ‘Let’s fire Draghi’. This is the name of the demonstration called in Rome by former m5s parliamentarians, now Alternative. Piazza Santi Apostoli is colored orange with flags and signs bearing writings such as ‘Draghi resigned’, ‘no weapons’, ‘let’s defend democracy’ and others. Virginia Saba, current girlfriend of the foreign minister, Luigi Di Maio, took to the streets to take care of the communication of the event and of Alternativa among others. At the end of the rally, the parliamentarians tore up a billboard representing the super green pass. (Teresa Ciliberto / alanews)
Rome Italy 26.03.22 #NoGreenPass .. “Let’s start from the square to create an alternative”. The ‘Licenziamo Draghi’ demonstration takes place in the square in Rome. “We take to the streets because the Draghi government and its group of technocrats have annihilated Parliament, there is no longer a barrier to their policies of impoverishment and destruction of the social fabric. talking about the Constitution, rights, inclusion, democracy and the right to work that has been massacred in the name of pseudo-health policies “. Speaking by Francesco Forciniti, Alternative deputy, on the sidelines of the ‘Licenziamo Draghi’ event organized in Rome. (Teresa Ciliberto / alanews)

Milan, Italy
France as of March 26, 2022
Paris, France
Montpellier, France
Montpellier France 26.03.22 .. Montpellier Liberties Concert Chloé Frammery and the artists involved in supporting those suspended. Over the past nine months, the Geneva teacher has established herself as an essential figure for coronaskeptics and other conspirators, in Switzerland as in France. Which gets him in trouble with his employer, the Department of Public Instruction. She is delighted: it would be proof that she is the victim of a cabal to prevent her from telling the truth. In support of the suspended and all children who suffer from wars.
People in the streets of #Lyon after the announcement of the dissolution of the Antifascist Group Lyon and Surroundings.