- demonstrations against the Corona policy are taking place in more than 1000 locations across Germany.
never before in the history of the Federal Republic have there been demonstrations that are more widespread than in the last few weeks. The Federal Ministry of the Interior counted 1046 nationwide protest actions with a total of 188,000 participants for the Monday before last alone. Piotr Kocyba from the Institute for Protest and Movement Research says WELT: “The immense breadth of the corona protests is impressive, but also depressing.”
- Dresden bans Corona demos for Saturday!
The city of Dresden is imposing a “city-wide ban on meetings of clientele critical of the measures” for the coming Saturday, as the meeting authority announced on Thursday evening.
Literally it says: “All gatherings that have as their object or refer to the collective protest against the measures to contain the corona pandemic (hygiene measures, vaccinations, etc.) are prohibited. This applies to both moving assemblies (elevators and so-called “walks”) and stationary assemblies (rallies).”
The messenger service Telegram had previously called on people to “go for a walk” in Dresden from 3 p.m. on Saturday. A starting point is not yet known.
According to the assembly authority of Dresden’s mayor Detlef Sittel (55, CDU), the ban is based on a risk forecast.