The latest two-part episode of CHD.TV’s “Against the Wind” with host Dr. Paul Thomas featured two medical professionals who successfully treated COVID patients without a single fatality.
The guests — Dr. Jim Meehan, an ophthalmologist with advanced medical training in immunology and interventional endocrinology, and Scott Miller, a physician assistant with Miller Family Pediatrics — focused on this question: How do medical professionals transcend the fear of condemnation to save patients from often deadly mainstream treatments?
Thomas opened the segment by describing how, on a recent drive to work, he passed a group of young schoolchildren, all wearing masks and “socially-distanced” by 6 feet. As a father and a pediatrician, “It just felt so wrong,” he said.
“Looking into the eyes of some of these kids, you could just see the lights were gone,” Thomas said.
Thomas and Meehan talked about masks, the COVID vaccine and vaccine injuries.
Meehan shared his evidence-based scientific analysis of why masks are ineffective, unnecessary and harmful.
Meehan also discussed his experience treating COVID patients using available therapies not offered in hospitals, and how his social media posts about COVID treatments were banned.
Of the approximately 4,000 COVID patients Meehan treated, none died. Meehan said his patients came to him early enough for treatment. In the hospital, he successfully treated more than 20 patients who were failing hospital COVID protocols, including a 66-year-old man who had taken two rounds of Remdesivir.
Meehan said shortly after the COVID vaccine rollout, he began recognizing vaccine adverse effects, including miscarriages, vasculitis, inflammatory pathologies and blood clot formations.
Thomas saw a case of myocarditis after vaccines in his pediatric practice.
Meehan said:
“This could have been you. This could have been your child. Your daughter. This could have been your father … These are experimental vaccines. It will be a decade before we know how severe the adverse reactions are going to be. It’s going to be years before we determine that we might lose 10% of the population to antibody-dependent enhancements.”
After Meehan started to see young and college-aged patients with COVID vaccine injuries, he added an emergency declaration to his website. Later he was banned from social media for posting about the danger of spike proteins and how animal studies showed those proteins cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological harm.
Meehan said his safety warnings against COVID vaccination apply across the board, but especially pregnant women, children and youth.
“We must not vaccinate children who are statistically at zero risk of dying from COVID-19,” he said, sharing data from a recent Johns Hopkins University analysis that found of the more than 330 COVID deaths in kids under age 25, data suggested most or nearly all appeared to be in kids with a life-threatening, pre-existing condition.
Next, Thomas interviewed Miller (starts at 37:14) who discussed his experience successfully treating approximately 1,400 patients, including a 100-year-old, with unconventional immune-boosting protocols he learned about through research and case studies.
Miller used FDA-approved therapies that were not FDA-approved for treating COVID, which resulted in him losing his medical license.
Miller treats children as well as adults in his practice. He has had none of his pediatric patients die or become hospitalized from COVID.
Miller discussed the research and moral obligation that compelled him to buck the system and advocate for proven treatments that work for COVID. He said:
“I got to a point where it felt so futile telling people one by one, when there are so many people who needed this information, that I just started openly talking about it.”
Tune in every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. PT / 1:30 p.m. ET for a new episode of “Against the Wind” on CHD.TV.
“Against the Wind” is hosted by Dr. Paul Thomas, a Portland, Oregon pediatrician and author of “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.” Each show features interviews with doctors and scientists who bring light to vital studies not covered by the media, and the persecution they face for standing up for medical freedom. Thomas hosts a live Q&A for members of “Against the Wind.” To join, visit