By Kanan Alibayov
In today’s world it’s a fact that every button you click , everything that you touch, anything you say broadcasts information about you, about your personality, daily routine and activity that gives server pattern of numbered choices that you may make. For Example if you write down your daily activity and choices that you make, you will be factually amazed by the pattern of activity which will be showing you how predictable you are in that setting (Lockdowns?).
I have a feeling that I can’t get rid of.
Gathered information pattern accuracy increases as the time goes on over period of observation then algorithm able to give almost identical predication about everything that going on in your life at that moment which Servers feeds back to you with live responsive media, articles, ads..etc

Today we are most likely broken from reality and driven by algorithms that no chess player can beat. However there is simple solution to this. Don’t play their game…
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