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The “berlin wall of covid” at the supermarket separating vaxxed and un-vaxxed

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The representatives of the Kaufland supermarket from Râmnicu Sărat, Buzău County, installed an interior fence to delimit the access spaces of the people according to the green certificate. The same situation was observed at another Kaufland supermarket in Bucharest.

In the absence of an official statement from the representatives of Kaufland Romania, we can assume that it is an internal decision of the company.

Supermarket customers, dissatisfied
Kaufland officials set up the inner fence on Sunday morning, a fence that separates the access spaces of vaccinated or sick people, on the one hand, from those who do not have a green certificate, on the other.

The store’s decision provoked reactions of all kinds. A dissatisfied customer posted a video on a social network, and the video gathered thousands of views and a lot of negative comments.

The fence is about 2 meters high and separates the supermarket from the area with restaurants and confectioneries, which is considered to be non-essential.

The situation is the same in Kaufland Ploiești Sud
Controversial decision of the management of the Kaufland Ploiești Sud store. To separate customers’ access to non-essential stores, from the shopping mall, where the green passport is required, to the Kaufland store, where the document is not required, fences have been installed.

The fences are specific to the organization of the site and are two meters high.

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[…] and videos from the German-owned Kaufland supermarket highlight the eerie resemblance between fascist policies of World War 2 and today’s COVID […]


[…] and videos from the German-owned Kaufland supermarket highlight the particular eerie resemblance between fascist policies of World Battle 2 and today’s COVID […]


[…] and videos from the German-owned Kaufland supermarket highlight the eerie resemblance between fascist policies of World War 2 and today’s COVID […]


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[…] and videos from the German-owned Kaufland supermarket highlight the eerie resemblance between fascist policies of World War 2 and today’s COVID […]


[…] and videos from the German-owned Kaufland supermarket highlight the eerie resemblance between fascist policies of World War 2 and today’s COVID […]

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