18% of Americans refused all Covid injections. 11% refused the second dose. 36% took the initial series and refused the booster. Add those together and you have 65% of the country that said: “No more!”
Now the 65% of Americans that are awake need to save the pre-schoolers from these fiendish injections.
By Dr. Meryl Nass, 13 May 2022
The New York Times (“NYT”) provides daily updates from the CDC on the numbers vaccinated. While nothing that comes out of the CDC’s mouth is necessarily reliable, I am presenting the official numbers below. But it is certainly possible that the numbers of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are even higher than presented here. Pay close attention to the numbers.
257.6 million (of a total of 334 million Americans) got at least one dose of the vaccine. That is 77% of the country. If you remove the 0 through 4-year-olds, it is 82% of those eligible by age for the vaccine. It seems like the vast majority of Americans went along with the vaccine program.
But Not for Long
A surprising 15% of the initially vaccinated (and 11% of all Americans) never went back for their second shot. That is huge. There is no other vaccine where such a high percentage fails to complete a 2 dose series. So, if you add together the 18% who refused any shot and the 11% (of all Americans) who refused to complete the initial series, you are up to 29% vaccine refusers and ex-vaxxers who did not get “fully vaccinated,” using CDC’s terminology.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that about 257.6 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, including about 219.6 million people who had been fully vaccinated by the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine or the two-dose series made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.”
[Why does the CDC use the word “about” when it has a record of every single vaccinated American? — Nass]
The C.D.C. also reported that about 100.5 million fully vaccinated people have received an additional vaccine dose or a booster dose, the highest level of protection against the virus. Now let’s look at how many Americans went along with the booster dose. Only 100.5 million Americans took that first booster, or 30% of Americans, according to the NYT.
But if you look at the NYT graph of % boosted by county, in many counties less than 15% of the population took booster #1. Why didn’t the NYT use additional colours for counties where over 35% or over 40% were boosted? Are there none? If so, the total boosted in the US may be less than 30%.

But let’s go along with CDC and the NYT and use 30% or 100.5 million people as our boosted number.
How many people took the first two shots (or one if they got the J & J shot) and refused the booster? 36% of Americans (219.6 M-100.5 M / 334 M people) took the initial series and refused the booster. Add 36% to 18% who refused all, and add 11% who refused the second shot and now you have 65% of the country that said: “No more!”
Throw in the 5.6% of Americans below age 5 who are not eligible for the vaccine (it is not emergency use authorised for them) and you find that 70% of us are not “up to date” according to the CDC.
It looks like Americans are not so dumb after all. Despite two years of continuous propaganda, and unprecedented threats of employment and educational loss if unvaccinated, Americans are saying, “Enough.” They have stopped queueing up at vaccine clinics, many of which are now closed.
Why Would They Do That?
It seems they have access to alternate media. They have seen people get injured or die after receiving the shots. They have enough common sense to know it’s not right to get an injection every few months.
Information coming from the UK and other places that vaccination did not prevent deaths or hospitalisations, not to mention cases and spread, has gotten out via the bush telegraph. People were able to distinguish the truth from fake news.
Information that vaccination with the Covid vaccines seems to impair the ability to mount a broad immune response to Covid could only be suppressed for so long.
The original Moderna clinical trial data, which should have been available to regulatory agencies at least since the Moderna package was presented for licensure, reveals that while 93% of unvaccinated controls produced the SARS-CoV-2 anti-nucleocapsid antibody after infection, only 40% of the vaccinated produced this antibody at detectable levels after infection.
They failed to mount the expected immune response. It is possible or probable that the more doses of these vaccines you receive, the less broad immunity you will develop, even after getting infected.
In any event, Americans have woken out of their slumber. According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, only 35% of 5 to 11-year-olds have received any Covid vaccine, and only 28% have received both doses. Twenty per cent of initially vaccinated 5-11-year-olds were never brought back for the second shot. Doesn’t that tell you something?
According to CDC, 75% of American children have already had Covid. And it is only very rarely a severe disease for children, despite CDC’s desperate spin. So, the idea of mass vaccinating little kids is unspeakably cruel.
Now the 65% of us that are awake need to save the pre-schoolers from these fiendish shots. FDA has set aside several days in June for advisory committee meetings on shots for toddlers and babies, and a booster dose for the 5-11-year-olds. We must stop the carnage before the vaccines are authorised for the tiniest Americans.
We also need to save the unawakened parents from themselves, in case the vaccines do get authorised. These parents desperately need our guidance. Won’t you help?